PAGE I8 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 26, I974 Stefurak House Warming = cont'd from page I6 by Simonne Bourgeois, a local artist, in token of their good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Stefurak, natives of Thunder Bay came to Schreiber I7 years ago, where he is a train despatcher, and decided to remain here. The Schreiber Ladies fastball league, after being inactive for many years, has been re-or- ganized under the auspices of the Recreation Committee, with the following officers elected Irene Borutski, president; Judy Cameron, vice president; Barbara McLaughlin, seCretary-treas- urer; Charlotte Miller, Susan MacDonald and Pam Glad, publicity. There are four teams in the league, which has started playing, with games scheduled for Tuesdays and Friday evenings, and Sunday after- noons, with one coach still needed, and spon- sors being sought. There is a record registration for swimming lessons this year, in Schreiber, and they are asked to meet in the Public School Gym on June 28th at 4:00 p.m. By then classes will be arranged and the bus times announced, for travel to and from White Sand Lake were the lessons are given. For those registered in the July session of the Wilderness Adventure, there will be a meet ing on July Ist at 10:00 a.m. in the Public School. ) Mr. and Mrs. Russell Macadam spent an inter -esting vacation this year, attending the con- vocation of Waterloo University when their son ~in-law, Albert Dejeet received a B.A. and Wilfrid Laurier Convocation when he received a diploma in Business Administration. This was a particularly happy event since Mr. Dejeet's parents from Sydney, Cape Breton, his sister from Halifax, Ian Macadam of Barrie were also able to attend. The Macadam's then visited Mr. and Mrs. Nott in Carrying Place, Ont. and many other centres, looking up old friends made while Mr. Macadam was in the RCAF. They went on west as far as Brandon and made brief stops in many other places, visit- ing friends. V.R Proud as Mary Speziale's parents and her, were last summer, when she received her B.A. Phys. Ed. and English from the University of Western Ontario, one suspects receiving her Diploma in Education this month from Western will have an even greater impact on their mem- ories. For when they returned from London, sister Mrs. Gary Speck and three children, a moose charged across the highway, between Marathon and Terrace Bay, and completely shat- tered the windshield of their car, giving Mary and her mother servere cuts on their faces and hands. Mrs. Speziale had to go in the McCaus- land Hospital (Terrace Bay) but Mary was able to continue on Home. She is studying her cuts with great concern, since she is to be an attendant in two weddings in the east within a few short weeks. Her hands of course will be hidden by-gloves, a bang disguise her fore- head, but, what, she asks, does one do about a nose? The others in the car were not injur- ed and Mrs. Speziale will be released from hospital within a few days. Mary will be teaching at Parkside Collegi- ate, Phys. Ed. and English in St. Thomas this year, grades IO and II. OPEN RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Joe Campbell of Schreiber will hold an Open Reception evening in the Schrei- ber Campus of Lake Superior High School Audi- torium from 8 to I. The occasion their Gol- den Wedding Anniversary. Everyone is welcome to attend. NOTICE SCHREIBER SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Although the sewer collection system for the Township of Schreiber is now being installed, residents of Schreiber are hereby advised that no attempt should be made to commence digging or installation of any sanitary sew- er line on private property until a permit has been obtained from the Municipal Office. It will be sometime before any connections can be made to the system, and all concerned will be advised accordingly. In the meantime, Council requests your co- operation and patience during the construc- tion of the system. Council of the Township of Schreiber A.J. Gauthier Clerk-Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Vincenzo Speziale, Mary and her The Terrace Bay News Office will be closed MONDAY, JULY Ist for Canada Day. Deadline for ALL advertising & news mater- ial will be TUESDAY NOON for next week. Paper will be published THURSDAY. th Ek edb Be oan a A a Sn 4