2 TERRACE BAY NEWS Vol.I7 No. 22 June 5, I974 20¢ Per Copy HIGHWAY ACCIDENT KILLS LOCAL MAN Mike Strocen 57, of Terrace Bay died Satur- day, June Ist shortly after a highway accident which occurred at 5:30 p.m., 3 miles east of Schreiber near the C.P.R. overhead. Mr. Strocen was driving east bound in a I97I . Dodge. ; The other car involved was a I972 Ford Station Wagon driven by Gerard Pelltier, 2I of Compton, Quebec. 7 ) Mr. Pelltier, a university student was dead at the scene of the accident. Passengers in the Pelltier car were Andre Marcoux and Louis Houle of Quebec who are still in Thunder Bay Hospital and Christian Jacques, age 23 of Quebec died of injuries in a Thunder Bay Hospital. : Estimated damage was $5,000. with both vehicles classed as totalled. : The passengers in the Pelltier car were' also university students who were taking the car to a Ford Sales Centre in Alberta for re- sale. ¥ The Schreiber O.P.P. were assisted at the accident by the Terrace Bay Police Department and the Schreiber Volunteer Fire Department. At press time there were no further details as to how the accident occurred. - see page 8 for photos. LEGION BOWLING WIND-uP 1974 - A good time was had by all at the fourth Annual Bowling Wind-Up. The cocktail hour was followed by a delicious smorgasbord, convened by Dorothy Koski and Jeannette Gunter. i Forbes Cruickshank, branch president, wel- comed the guests and presented the League continued page 7. ....wess TERRACE BAY COUNCIL QUOTES All councillors and Reeve Roy Bray were pre- sent Tuesday evening to hold the regular town- ship council meeting. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were adopted. Correspondence was received from the Kins- men Club of Terrace Bay re "Canada Day" organ- ization. Their specific request was for funds to supply treats, flags and prizes for the children on the July Ist holiday. Funds for this will be granted from Council for 1974 with a maximum amount to be set. A petition was received from local citizens regarding the sand on lawns from the spring break-up. This petition had suggested a 'truck accompany the snow blower and haul away the snow rather than having it blown on lawns. Discussion by council of this matter clarified the cost of this maneuver would be exorbitant to the taxpayers but Council would try to el- iminate the rock problem by requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to store salted sand for the township A lettér from the Retail Merchants Associa- tion (Canada) asked council to agree to a res- olution re uniform hours of operation. The Terrace Bay Council were in agreement that merchants should have free enterprise on this matter and the letter was filed. The Ministry of Community and Socigl Serv- ices requested council to proclaim the week of June I6th to 22nd as Senior Citizens Week. This will be done with the Council also look- ing into planning some activity for senior citizens during this week . The April police report was submitted by Police Chief, Dave Barnett. continued page 2