JUNE 5, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 9 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED DUTIES: Light Cleaning; Laundry; Cooking - lunch & supper; Shopping. Four (4) people living in the home. Wages and hours to be arranged with applicant Weekdays only. . CALL: 825-3801 evenings or 824-2325 mornings. NOTE OF THANKS The Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association sincerely thanks all those who so kindly assisted in making our Annual Banquet a succ- ess. A special thank you to all the mothers and young ladies who helped serve the food, and wash the dishes, etc. We also wish to thank in a special way all the coaches, assistants, managers, volunteer arena att- endants, referees and officials. Our fund- raising committee merits a special note of thanks, particularly Mrs. L. Walsh and Mrs. M. Moher. The effort of all of the above made the work of this Executive much easier and enabled us to provide good hockey for our young boys. Also, to those who provided transportation, donated trophies, or assist- ed Minor Hockey in any way, our heartfelt thanks. The winner of our Stanley Cup Playoff hock- ey pool was Mrs. Jean Fisher. PROCLAMATION | The Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Terrace Bay at a meeting held on Tuesday, May 28th, 1974 resolved that JUNE 16 to 22, 1974 shall be observed as "Senior Citizens' Week" In compliance with the goresaid resolution, 1 hereby proclaim June 16 to 22, 1974 as "Senior Citizens' Week" in The Township of Terrace Bay. W.R. Bray, Reeve. LAKEHEAD UNIVERSITY GRADUATES At the Lakehead University Convocation on Saturday, May 25th, I974 at the C.J. Sanders Field House, Thunder Bay, Ontario the follow- ing graduates from Terrace Bay received degrees and diplomas as follows: Honours - Bachelor of Arts (First Class Stand- ing -Lorraine Margaret Belliveau (Sociology): Bachelor of Arts --- Paulette Nicol (Geography); Honours - Bachelor of Physical and Health Edu- cation: Lynn Frances Simmer; Bachelor of Scie- nce in Nursing: Nancy Jane Lapenskie (Basic). Diploma in Business Administration: Brook Car- olyn Rapke, (Computer Systems); Diploma in Forest Technology: Daniel Jon Ferguson; Diploma in Library Technology: Marcia Nancy Kettle. STORK CLUB Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. McCracken of Schrei- ber, a boy on June Ist, 1974. " Born to Mr. and Mrs. ace Bay, a girl on June Ray Theriault of Terr- 2nd, I974. CWL INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS At a candlelight ceremony, the new execu- tive of St. Martin of Tours C.W.L. Parish Council for the year 1974-75 were installed on Sunday, evening, May 26th in the parish church. The new officers are as follows: Past Pres- ident - Mrs. G. Ramsay; President - Mrs. W. Robitaille; Ist vice-president - Mrs. J. Kenn- edy; 2nd vice-president - Mrs. R. Belliveau; 3rd vice-president - Mrs. F. Helmink; Secre- tary - Mrs. C. Buck; Treasurer - Mrs. R. Ger- lach. Standing Committee Conveners - Cultural Life Mrs. D. Luke; Organization & Membership Mrs. J. Kennedy; Community Life Mrs. F. Hel- mink; Communication & Public Relations - Mrs. R. Belliveau; Church Life Mrs. L. McBride; Christian Life = Mrs. J. Kennedy; Kitchen Mrs. A. Allen. The living Rosary was recited by the school children and adults from the parish led the prayers in English, German, Ukrainian, French and Dutch languages. Benediction of the Bless -ed Sacrament followed. GUIDES AND BROWNIES NEED ASSISTANCE The final meeting Local Association to of the season for the Guides and Brownies was held May 27th in the Community Church basement President Mrs. G. Moore opened the meeting with the Guide Prayer. Mrs. C. Cvitkovich 'read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. R. McBride and her helpers made Cookie Day a great success. A special thank-you is extended to her and everyone who supported the sale. Permission was given to Mrs. C. Cvitkovich to purchase two kitchen shelters for camping. There will be approximately 40 guides in the continued page IO