MAY 22, 1974 TERRACE BAY NEWS TERRACE BAY NEWS PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE HOURS - 9. a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON Monday for publication in that week's issue. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $5.00 per year (local) $6.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867. New Books 9. Type A. behaviour and your Heart.. Friedman, M.D. Alive: The story of the Andes Survivors, lost in the vast snowy wastes of the high Andes. .all official rescue efforts aband- oned. food...inadequate clothing for sub-zero medical supp- lies to ease the suffering of the dying. So began a terrible ordeal for the young men and women who had set out in Uruguay in high hopes for a series or rugby matches in Chile. For the best bargain in town, bring your .Meyer 10. used paperbacks in to the Library at any *tire an¢ make an exchange with other paperhacke, which will be available. This is a new program which the Librery ic now starting, but we need your participsticn to make it successful. The amourt of kooks you bring in will he the amount you will ex- change. ? y This will be hopefully & continuing prog- ram. There will also be a box for the exch- ange of children's books. WOMEN OF THE MOOSE NEWS Chapter night meeting of the Women of the Moose was held on Wednesday, May Ist with 20 members present. Senior Regent Jacqueline Sopel chaired the meeting with Academy of Friendship Chairman, - Kay Furyk being in charge of the program. Minutes cf the last meeting were adopted as read by Recorder, Stella Sadowick and _ treasurer's report was given. A letter was read from the Curling Club re- questing the ladies to cater for their Annual Wind-up banquet on May I8th. Nominations took place with elections to be held at next meeting. : x Sting continued page. 4 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION ST. MARTIN SEPARATE SCHOOL Terrace Bay THURSDAY, MAY 23rd 7:00 p.m. LIBRARY of ST. MARTIN SEPARATE SCHOOL Forms and information have already been mail- ed toc parents who, according to school recor- ds, have children eligible to attend kinder- garten this September. If you have a child who will be 5 years old by December 31, 1974, and you have not yet received these forms, please telephone the school (825-3255) as soon as possible. STRAND THEATRE TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO - TELEPHONE 825-377¢ SHOW TIMES-SUNDAY - THURSDAY 8:00 P.M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY 7:00 & 9:00 P.M. WHEN HE RUNS OUT OF DUMB LUCK, KE ALWAYS HAS GENIUS TO FALL BACK ON! Thu. 23 ri. 24 Sat. 25 VTE Ma Ee 3 = i CE ON BAKER 00 0 MERE 6 co 0, SHE'S THE LETHAL LADY OF KUNG FU. ; % _fINGELA MAO ANTWNIYINIING [NOY = ss 26 we 27 Diya a Color A National Generti Fi 1 ses Reteose & . i Tue. 28 Wed. 29 ~~ ININNIYLY3ING LI00Y