MAY I5, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I5 Rebekah Meeting = continued prior to the Assembly Sessions in Toronto on June I6-I9th. Initiation will be held on June I2th. Degree practice will be held at the next meeting and following it a penny auction will take place. 5 Mrs. Hamilton, the convener, reported the recent Spring tea had been most successful and | thanked those who donated and/or worked. : Mrs. Elizabeth Harris N.G. and Mrs. Gladys Hamilton V.G. presided for the meeting. TERRACE BAY POLICE REPORT During the week of May 5th to May IIth there were 28 general occurences to which the Terrace Bay Police Department responded. On May 6th were was an attempted theft which was reported and is still under inves- tigation. Three charges under the Highway Traffic Act were issued, eleven motor vehicles were given a spot check, eight of which were issued warnings and one transient was checked ° with CPIC. On May I6th at 3:30: p.m. and 7:00 p.m. there will be a demonstration of the breath analyzer at the Terrace Bay High School. Al- so during this time a voluntary finger print- ing program will be in operation, which the public is invited to particpate in. Only one set of prints will be recorded and these are given to the donor. On May I8th at I0:00 a.m. the annual bic- ycle rodeo will be held at the arena. The. general public is invited to watch this event. FIRST CHARITY BALL BIG SUCCESS On Friday, May IOth the Ladies Auxiliary to the McCausland Hospital held their first Charity Ball "A Touch of Spring" featuring the music of the Sound Investment from Marathon. The Schreiber High School was decorated in a lovely spring motif of pastel blossoms and flowering trees. Decorating was done under the direction of Mrs. Beth Macadam. Carnation corsages and dance cards were presented at the door by Auxiliary President, Mrs. Joan Nugent. ; Door prizes were donated and won by: ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed McAdam-alarm clock-Spadoni's Department Store; Rev. and Mrs. Peter McKague- Set of glasses--Spadoni's Garage; Mr. and Mrs. Duffy-kitchen utensil rack-Cebrario's-Terrace Bay; Mr. and Mrs. A. Theriault-set of towels- The Bay; Mr. and Mrs. R. Gander-$5.00 voucher- Jim Mikus, Shell 0il; Mr. and Mrs. D. Steph- enson-$5.00 voucher-Caccamo Foodmarket; Mr. and Mrs. R. Salesse-$5.00 cheque-Terrace Taxi; Mr. and Mrs. Al Regis-I month free cable- Lakeshore Community Television; Mr. and Mrs. R. Kitto-Shampoo & Set-Chez Marguerite; Mr. L. Stewart-2 passes-Strand Theatre; Mr. and Mrs. E. Borutski-$5.00 voucher-Waghorn's Phar- macy; Mr. and Mrs. K. Schmeidchen-Shampoo & Set-Charlotte's Beauty Spot; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hagenback-$5.00 gas voucher-Island View Shell; Mr. and Mrs. K. Davis---$5.00 voucher-Costa's Foodmarket. The draws for the champagne and wine magn- ums were won by Mrs. Peggy Small, Schreiber and Mr. Barry Stephen, Terrace Bay. Lunch was prepared and served by Mrs. Beth: Macadam and Mrs. Marj Stephen and their comm- ittees. AN > PHONE 825-3747 Commercial printing is our specialty! We have the latest in modern equipment, a wide choice of quality stock and years of experience. Let a a our experts do all your business printing! ® QUICK SERVICE ® EXPERT WORK ® MODERATE COST THE TERRACE BAY NEWS POST OFFICE BUILDING TERRACE BAY, ONT. Different Viewpoints A gossip talks about others; a bore talks about himself; but a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks about you.