PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 27, 1974 L.A ALREADY PLANNING CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The Afternoon Group of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Community Church met on Monday after- noon, with Mrs. Mary Chadwell chairing the meeting in the absence of the chairman, Mrs. Hilda Hiebert. Mrs. Chadwell welcomed the ladies, and called upon Mrs. June Schritt for the Worship period. Secretary, Mrs. Lil Harris read the minutes and gave a financial report. Correspondence included a letter from the president of the Evening Group regarding the Manse fund, and its function. It was decided to go along with the suggestion from the Even- ing Group, to turn over $I000.00 to the Finan- ce committee of the Board of Stewards, to be used in repairs to the Manse. This fund will be built up again in case of future need. Mrs. Chadwell expressed the thanks of the chairman to those who had taken part in the World Day of Prayer services. Mrs. Dorland read a letter sent to Mr. W. Jones, from Reverend J.A. Tanner, regarding the used stamps Mr. Jones collects for Rever- end Tanner. These stamps are sold and the proceeds used to aid a Leprosy mission in Biak, to aid in the purchase of drugs and ban- dages. The ladies are urged to save their stamps and turn them over to Bill Jones. Mrs. Harris announced she had ordered two card tables with the labels saved from a nationally advertised food, and she suggested further labels go toward a new wall clock for the church hall. Christmas and all occasion cards will be collected at the next meeting to be made into scrap books for the Mentally Retarded Children. Mrs. Dorland has offered to convene the making of novelties for the Christmas bazaar. Mrs. Dorothy Rafalant agreed to supply cookies for the Nursery on Sunday. Bandages for the Leper colony were rolled. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, LORNES CAMERAS FIOmING PACKEL 20 SOUTH COURT STREET (next to the Paramount Theatre) THUNDER BAY 'P', ONTARIO TELEPHONE 344-0413 April I6th. Mrs. Helen Brooks asked for volunteers for the coffee and donut sale on March 29th from I0 to II:30. Donuts may be ordered prior to the coffee hour by contacting Pam Jones or Cora Ropchan. Lunch was served by Mrs. Peggy Thompson and Mrs. Dorothy Rafalant. CROSSWORD PUZZLE TODAY'S ANSWER ACROSS 42. Subse- 1. Hurt quently 6. Noggin 43. Printing 10. Tonsorial type service style 11. Gather DOWN 13. Refuge 1. Forest 14. WWII Hills confer- star ence site 2. Amulet; 15. Before talisman 3 16. Bolivian 3.Bea export blabberer 3 18. Sheep _(4wds.) : tick 4. She 9. "Great 26. Pioneer 19. Fine never had Expectations" 28. Born stiff a mother heroine (Fr.) net 5. "Jaw- 12. Depress 30. Austere 21. "That -- smith" 17. Octopus' 31. Dis- Feeling" 6. "Home, fluid charged 22. Thicket Sweet 20. Localities 35. Con- of bushes Home" 23. Extirrct structed 23. Symbol of writer Hawaiian 37. --- stubborn- 7. Doctors' bird whilli- ness org. 24. Appear kens! 24. Throw 8. Butt in 25. Hal Foster's 39. Nigerian out (4 wds.) prince tribesman 26. Panes FE EE CE rN Dark- ness" 10 1 12 27. Biblical travelers | a 28. Jules Verne 3 16 [7 18 character 29. Dutch -- 19 20 21 disease 30. Detonate 22 3 (2 wds.) 32. River 24 |25 26 (Sp.) 33. Viet- 27 28 namese ; holiday 29 z| 34. Cratchit's son 22 35 36. Measure 38. Gene 26 7 Tierney ' movie 30 40. Siage irection 41. Did b- wrong