PAGE. I4 TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 27, 1974 Helmets - cont'd . from page 9 | Products Act. 'Par- ents buying new hel- mets (and yes, the new kind are worth the loss and cost of throwing the old one away) can use' the Canadian Standards Association seal of approval as a way of identifying -the new helmets. ~ To ensure that ev- ery hockey helmet will do-the' job it is supposed to, the reg- ulation was based on new safety standards, developed by the C.S. A. in consulation with coaches, doctors and the manufactures of sports. equipment. Consumers should 'notify Box 99, or the nearest depart- mental office, if they find non-approv- ed helmets offered for sale. ; Besides demanding that new shells of helmets remain strong semi-rigid and satis- factory over a wide temperature range and that the cradling materials or padding (the shock absorption system that comes in contact with head) be rot and water re-- sistant, the regula-. tions also demand that - . the materials shall A word to the wise not be of a type i known to cause skin : : , irritation or disease y When it comes to hot water, Too, the material using it wisely--not wastefully-- must not undergo sig- makes good sense. nificant loss of strength as a result of contact with per- spiration, oil or your hydro grease from the cont'd page I5.... CS3-7482A