PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 6,1974 MOOSE BOWLING LEAGUE Standings as of January 29th: - Davey I24%; Orlesky I2I; Sadowick II9%; Benko tity Birch 105; Hart 93. Games over 200: J. Sopel 216; A. 202; B. Orlesky 205; P. Sodaro 240; iw 218; S. Benko 203; J. Gross 2I0; 229; F. Sechesky 204, 229, 242; H.. Hart 212; R. Hart 269, 208. Chepelsky T. Stach~ A. Szpak S. Reid 250; NOTICE After all those months Roxy Theatre sale has recently been completed. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my staff for being so faithful and thank my friends and patrons for supporting the theatre since I965, which was much appreciated. I also wish the new owners success, now called Strand Theatre. Sincerely, Verna Linkewich. . L.A. TO ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 223 The January meeting opened with twenty-sev- en ladies present. Following roll call and old business one new member, Pat Downey was "initiated into the auxiliary. A motion was passed to accept the applica-. tion of two new members. The financial statement was read and the various committees gave their reports. Correspondence included several Christmas cards and thank you notes. It was decided to eliminate Friday night lunches due to lack of response. \ All members were in favour of purchasing a much needed fridge for the drug room at the McCausland Hospital. A motion was passed to buy this article and Mrs. E. Boyd will look after this matter. - A motion was passed to rent a mail box for the ladies auxiliary. The Legion mixed bonspiel will be held on Saturday, February I6th and will he reigned over by a king and queen. This event will be followed by a smorgasbord and social at the Legion hall and is open to members only. If you are not curling and wish to join in the fun bring along your favorite casserole. The king and queen will be chosen on Friday night and must be at the legion in order to qualify. Marg Duriez will convene the curling smor- gasbord with Edna Beddard and Dot Ballentine as co-conveners. Coming events and conveners: February 6th: a luncheon for the Engineering Department. Convener Jessie Dodge. . February 8th: Retirement luncheon. Convener Audrey Smith 3 4 February IIth: Retirement luncheon. Convener 9 Marg Duriez. March 2nd: Electrical Department Smorgasborg Convener Freda Boucher.: . Pam Jones will once again purchase the wool for knitted articles for the bazaar. } On February 2Ist. the ladies auxiliary willl serve the Brownie and Guide banquet. It was suggested that the mothers of the guides and brownies bring along a casserole to this event. and the ladies auxiliary would provide the desert and beverage. All ladies present were in favour. ; Following the meeting a lovely lunch was served by Aggie Szpak, Rosemary Thorpe and Alice Yates. Ladies - your membership fees are due now! . As the host of CBC-TV's new Ombudsman series, Robert Cooper investigates individual complaints arising from mistreatment at the hands of public or private institutions. Actual cases are used on this half-hour show which airs every second Sunday at 10:30 p.m. If officialdom has genuinely wronged you write Ombudsman, Box 14,000, Station A, Toronto, M5W 1Y2,