PAGE 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 30, 1974 Go fo the CHURCY of your fuoiee TERRACE BAY SUNDAY MASS - 8.30 and 10.30 A.M. SATURDAY MASS = 7.00 P.M. CONFESSIONS = 6.15 = 7.15 P.M. and after evening Mass on Saturday. COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. P. McKague SERVICE OF WORSHIP - 11,00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL - 9.30 AJM. - Grade 5, 6, 7, and 8 11.00 A.lL. - Kindergarten to Grade U Care for Bahies and Pre-Schoolers. ROSSPORT ST. SERCHMAN'S CHURCH MASS - Sundey 1.00 P.M. SCHREIBER HOLY ANGELS CHURCH ~- Rev. F, lMeyer DAILY VASS - Monday, Wednesday, Fridey - 5.00 P.M. Tuesday end Thursday - 7.30 P.M. Saturday 9,00 AM. =~ 7.15 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICE = 9.30 and 11.00 A.M. CONFESSIONS - Saturday 4.15 = 5.15 P.l.; before Seturday evening Maas; before Sundsy morning Mess end before all daily Masses. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - Reve Re Le Dye 11ID WEEK SERVICE - 7.00 ~ Wednesdey SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10.0C A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - 11.00 A.l EVENING PRAYER - 7.00 P.M. ST. ANDREW®*S UNITED CHURCH . SERVICE OF WORSHIP ~ Every second Sundey - 11.00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10.00 A.M. AJ1l Children ere invited to attend. Council Quotes = continued excellent dinner she and her co-workers of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, had prepared for the Council and special guests in December, was read. Asletter was sent to Mr. W.E. Cavanaugh, in appreciation for service in representing Terrace Bay and Schreiber on the Health Unit Board. A letter was sent to the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, requesting them to up-date the present facilities into a self-serve store, such as is in Schreiber and other communities. Council endorses the requests of several cit~ izens in asking for this more modern conven- ience of shopping. letter from the Emergency Measures Branch re Peacetime Plan requested council to approve certain revisions. The Recreation Committee minutes were accepted. Under new business, accounts passed for pay- ment were Township $28,038.67; Hydro $15,044.30 and Library $3I2.43. Fire Chief, V. Thorpe reported that fire inspections had taken place at the Red Dog Inn 'under construction, nearing completion and Birchwood Terrace and found to be in condition A recommendation was made that the munici- pal building be supplied with new dry chemic- al fire extinguishers. The Recreation Centre had some items that needed attention. Consideration was given to renewing mem--- bership in the Chamber of Commerce for 1974, at the cost of $I50.00. This was approved. Authorization was given to Clerk-Treasurer W. Hanley to proceed with the I974 Interim Tax Levy. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES TO TWO FIRMS IN ONTARIO The Honourable Don Jamieson, Minister of Regional Economic Expansion, has announced that = two firms in Ontario have accepted development incentive offers from his Department. An es- timated total of 264 jobs are expected to be created by these projects. Cochrane Enterprises Ltd. of Cochrane has accepted an offer of approximately $1,401,000 for a new lumber plant. ed to create an estimated I43 additional jobs. The offer is based on a rate of 20 per cent of the approved capital costs, estimated at : $5,221,000, plus $2,500 for each job created. Abitibi Paper Co. Ltd. of Toronto has acc- epted an offer of approximately $1,027,000 for continued page 3 The project is expect- 3