DECEMBER 5, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I3 Midgets News - continued parents assistance will be greatly appreciated. (Next .Midget home game is Sunday, December 9th vs Manitouwadge) . McCAUSLAND HOSPITAL DRAW The McCausland Hospital Gift Shop Draw winner was Jenny Dorman. A special thank you to Moore's and the Bay and all who supported our efforts. | f your looking for that last minute Christmas gift or birthday present, maybe we could help you out. Shop hours: 3 - 4 p.m. and 7 - 8 p.m. SCHREIBER TOWN TOPICS The following new officers were elected at a Credit Union (CPR Employees) meeting: C.M. Bailie, president; R.B. Turner, vice-president; W.T. Wallace, manager; Janet Roffey, secretary -treasurer; Wayne Wilson, past president. The regular monthly meeting was set for the third Sunday of the month at 7 p.m. in the office. p Before he returned to Kamloops, where his marriage to Valerie Bryson took place on December first, Alex Gauthier was honoured by his old friends in Schreiber at a stag held in the town hall and presented with a cheque in token of their good wishes. Miss Cathy Bottomley spent the weekend with her brother Norman in Nipigon. Word has been received that H.R. (Herb) Foss, who has been Master Warrant Officer, has been promoted to Chief Warrant Officer, Canad- ian Armed Forces (Air). Mrs. Foss is the form- er Doreen Harper of Schreiber and the couple now live in Montreal. W.A, BUILDING FUND A recent move by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch I09, Schreiber, was an important one in cementing mutual trust and understanding with their Women's Auxiliary, when they agreed to setting up a separate bank account for the lat- ter's Building Fund money. Curiously, the move in no way alters the disposition of the money since the Legion will scrutinize and audit the account and the women have no intention of removing one precious pen- ny unless it goes to the new building. The difference is in the effect it will have on those indefatigueable money-makers = the Women's Auxiliary, whom, the Legion candidly and gratefully admit, are tireless in fund raising for them. ' And now the Auxiliary can enjoy the inestim- able satisfaction of the Midas-like feeling of, figreatively, 'fondling their gold' -- relish- ing the fact of knowing where and how every penny was raised. And, what is the Building Fund fox? To build a larger Legion = where the Auxil- iary can work even harder to raise more money for the Legion! ACW CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The Anglican Church Women held a most suc- cessful Christmas Bazaar and tea in the town hall with Mesdames Hazel Bailey, Flora Bryson, and Colleen Glad as co-conveners, and Mrs. Inga Ellicott, as cashier. Tea servitors were Mes- dames Ted Graham, Bill Collinson, Doug Moore, John Paul Mercier, Norman Glad and D.Q. Hamil- ton. The kitchen committee were Mesdames Jack Bryson, Reg Bailey, Gus Krause, W.G. Furlonger, Norman Bottomley .and the Misses Irene Spicer and Shirley Ann Winters. Mesdames Fred Harness, Alvin Slater and George Birch were in charge of the bazaar coun ~-ter continued page I4 ........ MORROW PIANOS HHUA (Established in 1950) WHILE DOWN TOWN SHOPPING DROP INTO : SCOTTY'S Not only will you find some of the finest equipment for, on land or water, or in the water, but a piece of equipment for the in -door sport. : IT'S THE 'OPTIGAN' The finest in Chord Organs. Something new. Compact easy to play, complete with several programmes or disks that enables one to re- produce the tones of any instrument, plus full organ tones. ' EASY TO PLAY : One year warranty. Its the gift of a life time that the whole family can enjoy. After the snowmobile party have an 'Optigan' Organ Party. A, ALMOS MORROWS PIANOS AND ORGANS