NOVEMBER I4, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE II JUNIOR "SUPERIORS" FIRST HOME GAME: The Terrace Bay Junior "Superiors" will be hosting the Schreiber "North Stars" for the first home game of the season. This game will be played this coming Sunday, November I8th, starting at I:30 p.m. All local fans are urged to come out and attend this game. NORTH SHORE MINOR HOCKEY SCHEDULE STARTS NOVEM- BER 19TH: On Monday, November I9th, the Terrace Bay Midgets will host the Schreiber Midgets. Game time will be 8:00 p.m. All local fans are ur- ged to attend this game. WINTER CARNIVAL PLANS: A total of I6 people attended a special Winter Carnival meeting on November IIth. A few positions at the executive level were fill- ed; however, the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman still have to be filled. A good number of organizations now have representatives attending the Winter Carnival meetings and the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 28th at 7 p.m. in the Con- ference Room. We continue to urge all interested people to attend this meeting. Your support will be essential for planning a carnival for I974. GIRLS RINGETTE - OPEN MEETING: A special meeting open to all players, co- aches, referees and interested parents will be held on Monday, November I9th, at 6:30,p.m. in the Conference Room of the Recreation Cen- tre. The reason for this meeting is to attempt to set up a Terrace Bay Ringette Association. All players will be reminded of this meeting. In order to operate a winter league for girls, a number of adults are re- quired to form an executive. Please attend. CHESS SESSIONS CONTINUE: The next open chess session is cheduled for tonight, Wednesday, November I4th, at 7 p.m. in the Conference Room. These chess sessions are designed for anyone who would be interest- ed in dropping in and playing a few games. Plans are now in the making to have a chess master conduct a weekend chess workshop. The- re are a number of students attending these open sessions and it would be nice to see more adults participate. For additional information, contact either the Recreation Office or Kurt Schroeder. continued page I4 ...... "QSay wh SCHREIBER, ONT, Oh Those Faded Blues! Here's the exciting fashion news you've been wait- ing to hear. Now you can have new jeans without that dreadful "new jeans" look. A jean lover's de- light. A gas. The beautiful blue jeans you adore, already faded and looking worn. So you don't have to bleach, scrub, or struggle to break them in. And they're styled to fit you, with fly front, scoop pock- ets, belt loops and flared legs. In long. wearing ~rope-trick denim that fades in the first 3 washings then promises to stay that way happily ever after. You'll love our faded blues! Misses' sizes: 8 to 20.