OCTOBER 24, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 TERRACE BAY NEWS PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay. OFFICE HOURS -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON Monday for publication in that week's issue. : SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $4.00 per year (local) $5.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867. as president during her absence in September. The Afgan being raffled in December is on display in Moore's of Terrace Bay window. , The next meeting will be in Schreiber on November I9th. Terrace Bay ladies can call Joan Nugent 384I for a ride to the meeting. LEGION BINGO TERRACE BAY Saturday, October 27th - 7:30 p.m. SORRY NO MINORS ALLOWED THE AUXILIARY TO THE MCCAUSLAND HOSPITAL Community Health Care Centre, Hospital, Health @ Facilities! What kind " of health care do we need? This was the topic for discussion at our October I5th meeting in Terrace Bay with guest speaker Frank Anderson, Chairman of the Board. Sixteen ladies were there to give their ideas and views. The book Gateway Gleanings for the Home- maker is now on sale for $I.75. The book contains space for phone numbers, Christmas card lists, a place for birthdays and anniversaries, gift list, a perpetual calendar, not- es on charm and poise, figure control, household hints, receipes and much, much, more. Get a bunch from Fern McDonald and help sell them. The dance planned for this fall has been post- poned until spring. The date will be announced later. Plans are underway for the I974 Auxiliary membership drive. Beth Macadam thanked all the ladies who have Come in and see the new T'NT Everest with the king-size track that's 16Y2inches wide and a full 5 inches longer. It lets you climb steep hills and float over deep snow with ease. TNT Everest features: a strong, lightweight aluminum-steel frame; powerful, front-mounted 436.6¢cc Rotax engine; ice-gripping carbide ski runners; and speedometer, tach, tripometer and shock absorbers. as standard equipment. And, of course, a full one year warranty. IT WT EVEREST by ski-doo * ® Trade Marks of Bombardier Limited. of the Jackpot - $45.00 of done knitting for the tuck shop. It is greatly appreciated and sells well. Beth also thanked Joan Nugent for filling in TERRACE BAY ENTERPRISES PHONE 825-3319