OBER 24, 1973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE II RECREATION 'NEWS NA AND CURLING ICE: Curling rink ice will be available for play November Ist. Arena ice will hopefully be yilable for the public a few days prior to rember Ist. Watch for particulars announc- 3 the opening date for Public Skating. The sning of the arena will also be announced rough all of the schools. RSS SESSIONS CONTINUE: The second open Chess session was held on esday, October 23rd in the Conference Room the Recreation Centre. It is hoped that few more adults will take advantage of these en sessions. Anyone requiring further infor- tion should contact the Recreation Office at 42. Usually the sessions begin at 7:00 p.m. should be pointed out that open sessions 11 not necessarily be held every Tuesday ening; therefore, if you are interested, 1113542. ENA SCHEDULE: Through the co-operation of the Terrace Bay ws, the Terrace Bay Recreation Department 11 again be publishing the arena schedule on weekly basis this coming winter. Due to all Ff the ice requests that were received by the snmittee, scheduling of the arena ice will be retty tight this year. For example, Minor >ckey in addition to their local programme i11 be operating 4 representative hockey sams, the Terrace Bay Juniors will be operat- ng in a 6-team loop, the Intermediates will 1so be playing in the Norwest Intermediate eague, and figure skating, ringette and chool groups will also be scheduled. OMING EVENTS: hursday, October 25th - Terrace Bay Art ourse session, 7:30 p.m., large meeting room f the Recreation Centre. unday, October. 28th - Spaghetti and Meat Ball Supper, St. Martin Parish Hall, 4 to 6 p.m. Sponsored by the Terrace Bay Junior Hockey team. Monday, October 29th - Art Course secsion #4, large meeting room of the Recreation Centre, I to 4 p.m. sunday, November 4th = 1974 Terrace Bay Winter Carnival Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Recreation Centre NOTICE TO CITIZENS OF SCHREIBER The Schreiber Parks and Recreation Comm- ittee require an interested person to act as a committee member for the year. For further details contact: Mr. G. Speck, Co-Ordinator of Recreation, Box 28; Schreiber, Ontario before November 15th, I973. Mrs. M. Zombori, Clerk-Treasurer NOT 1CE The Rossport Inn Beverage Rooms will be closed on November 1st, 1973 until fur- then notice. ATTENTION PARENTS There have been a great many windows sroken in Holy Angels School recently. As it is your tax dollar that is involved, we felt that we could ask you to report to the school the name of any person you see throwing rocks, etc. at the windows or around the school. Sister Marvel Belfry, Principal. on variada's Great People BY RAY IRELAND ©" ~ What brilliant physician (mentioned as 'The World's Best Doctor' in The Journal of the American Medical Association in 1949) was ex- pelled from classes in 1864 for removing all the school desks and piling them in the attic? CASH BINGO A cash bingo will be held in the Rossport Hall on Monday, November 5th at 8:00 P.M. sponsored by St. John Berchman's Altar Society. Everyone Welcome: