PAGE 1I8 = TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER I9, I973 NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO SPORTS COUNCIL The N.W.0.S.C. Executive Board held its monthly meeting at the Nor-Shor Motor Motel Friday and Saturday, September 7 and 8. The. purpose of the meeting was to continue formu- lating council policy and structuring the dir -ection of the Executive Board and the Council The Executive Board reviewed a constitution proposed by Dick Henderson - Summer Sports Coordinator - for the Council and have sent copies to the Council's general membership for their consideration. The Executive Board is pleased to announce that a short term pil- ot project - involving the hiring of a Sports Administrator - is progressing well and should be inaugurated by the first week in October. At the same time, the board announced its progress in the coordination of the Spalding Pass - Punt - Kick competition taking place throughout Northwestern Ontario. Local com- petitions will be held throughout Northwest.- ern Ontario and the winners advance to a semi- regional competition in Thunder Bay on Octob- er 6,.1973. Results from Geraldton, where over 70 persons participated, indicated that the pro- gram should be well supported and representa- tion at the regional play offs in Ottawa on October 28, will truly reflect a Northwestern Ontario representation. Gerry Ferguson, President of the N.W.0.S.C. emphasized the fact that communities who have not been contacted by the Council, should drop a line to P.O. Box 773, Thunder Bay P, P7B 5G3 and indicate their interest to the Council. Mr. Ferguson apologizes to those communities who have not been contacted but reiterates that the vast geographical area the Council is attempting to serve and the ongoing business presently facing the Council is a momentous task requiring a tre- mendous amount of the Council's time. For these reasons, the Council aks for the supp- ort, in the form of a contact letter, of those non-contacted communities. The Ontario Federation cf Home and School's Legislative Action and Education Committees today released the results of a survey indica+ ting that parents want the province's Consoli- dated Schoecl Administration Act to assure par- ents a greater role in school placement and curriculum decisions. In a letter addressed *o the Hon. Tom Wells, the Federation noted the following: x * Three quarters of the more than I,700 res- Act to provide: a. that parents may be represented by legal, medical and/or psychological counsel when,de- cisions about their child's right to attend school and school placement are being made. b. complete access to all records of education -al and psychological testing done in the schools on one's own child. c. that school personnel must advise parents of their rights when discussing placement of their child. * 62.5% of the parents want the Act to provide that parents shall have the right to choose the school to which they wish to send their children. * 61% of the parents want the Act to require parent representation on evaluation and curr- iculum committees at the school, local board, regional and provincial levels. These results clearly indicate that parents want the province to give them a more signifi- cant role in determining the educational des- tiny of their children. MINIQUIZ on{anada's Gréat People BY RAY IRELAND What outstanding medical pioneer was the first nurse to be made a lifemember of the Canadian Public Health Association, and the first female colonel in the Canadian army? rendants from across the province want the DRYDEN PAPER COMPANY, LIMITED DRYDEN, ONTARIO REQ U1 RES MILLWRIGHTS Experience in Puip and Paper an asset. Full Company benifits. Union rates. Applications apply in writing to the Personnel Supervisor stating experience, telephone number and any other pertinent information.