AUGUST 29, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE II RECREATION NEWS PLAYGROUND NEWS: As one of the wind-ups to the Summer Play- ground '73 program this year, a very successful Family Entertainment Night was held last Thurs- day evening in the High School auditorium. Then, on Friday afternoon, the 5-9 year old kids and leaders took a bus out to Rainbow Falls s for a swim and supper. Later that evening, a wind-up pre-teen record dance was held in the auditorium for the I0-I4 year olds. Now that we are at the end of our program, we would like to thank once again everyone who helped us in any way during the summer. Also, special thanks to the kids for coming out and making our program the big success it was. SWIM POOL AUGUST TESTS: The last tests of the Swim Pool season will be held this week as follows: Tuesday, Aug. 28-Test-tadpoles, minnows, pre- beginners; Pre-test-beginners and survival. (all the above at normal class time) Wednesday, Aug. 29-Test-beginners, survival; Pre-test-juniors, intermediates, seniors, bron- ze cross, senior resusitation, junior resusita- tion (II:30 a.m.) (all others at normal class times) . Thursday, Aug. 30-Test-juniors, intermediates and seniors (all at 9:45 a.m.); bronze, bronze cross, senior resusitation at I2 noon. ~The above schedule represents the last set of testing for the summer, with no further classes to be held. SWIM POOL. SCHEDULE: The Swim Pool schedule will continue as nor- mal up to and including September 3rd. With school commencing on September 4th, the Pool schedule will be as follows until closing: : Week-days -- 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Week-ends = 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. 6:00 to. 8:00 p.m. This Pool schedule will 'continue until the Pool is closed for the season. SWIM AWARDS NIGHT: This year a special Awards Night will be held for the Swim programme during the first week of September. A specific date and place will be announced in next week's News. In past years this Awards night has proven to be very successful as a number of badges, medals and certificates are issued to those who successful- ly completed their classes. In addition, the highlight of the evening is the presentation of the Duriez Trophy which is emblematic of the swimmer who excels in a number of areas throu- ghout the Swim Pool season. Watch the News next week for details. ; j ' INTER-COMMUNITY MINOR BALL: At the time of this write-up, the Recreat- ion Office was attempting to arrange back-to- back games with the Manitouwadge Minor Ball League. If plans are completed, the .various ball players and coaches will be notified by Pat Smith. HOCKEY CANADA OUTLINES NEW PROGRAMS FOR MINOR HOCKEY DEVELOPMENT: The Recreation Office has recently receiv- ed information from Hockey Canada outlining a number of new developmental programs to assist both the hockey players and the hockey coaches. For example, Hockey Canada has now establi- shed a Level system, which is as follows: Level I - 3-hour clinic open to anyone Level 2 - I-day clinic open to anyone Level 3 - regional (20 to 25 hours designed for experienced coaches) : Level 4 - provincial - open to anyone who has successfully completed level 3 Level 5 - national clinic: - must complete provincial Level 6 - Masters, designed for those who take part in the national seminar. If you are interestgd in obtaining addition -al information, contact the Recreation Office The Recreation Office has also received information which is available through Hockey Canada on the following 3 programs: Beginners program; Hockey Development Guide ~- 8 to I8 years of age; Dynamic Skating Program. This information will also be passed on to the local Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association HOCKEY CANADA - O.H.A. COACHES CLINICS: This Fall, two types of Coaches Clinics wi- 11 be offered to this area: Firstly, on Octo- ber 24th LEVEL I Clinic will be held in Mara- thon to serve the Marathon, Terrace Bay and Schreiber Minor Hockey associations; secondly: on November IOth a LEVEL 2 Clinic will be held in Thunder Bay for Thunder Bay and area Assoc- iations. Registration forms for the Level 2 Clinic are available at the Recreation Office. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morris have returned from their summer home at Amyat bringing with them their guests Mrs. Cyril Fedema of Calgary Mr. and Mrs. Murry Fedema of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. While at camp they enjoyed some very good fishing with Mrs. Morris catch- ing a 9 3/4 lb. Pickeral and Albert Jr. gett- ing a. 6 oz. I the following day. )