AUGUST I, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 LETTER TO THE EDITOR This is a follow up to the initial letter submitted by the students of the P.E.O.P.L.E. project. We are now working on the final report of the Jackfish townsite. We have found every- thing from Indian graves to an engine made by the Tuerk Gas Works, Berlin Ontario (now known as Kitchener). The patended date on the latt- er is I899. Our next endeavor is the Empress Mine and surrounding area. Also work on the Indian Pictograms will be continued. : Again, if anyone has information on the Jackfish, Empress Mine area, please contact either Lonnie Connelly, Schreiber or Mike Corrigan, Terrace Bay. Greg Hill Mike Corrigan NORTHERN AFFAIRS IS LIBERATED Yes, it is true that the Northern Affairs Branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources does not have a permanent officer location in Marathon as yet. What we do have are the very capable ser- vices of Mrs. Miriam Mosindy, secretary, who is in attendance at the office in the Peninsu- la Building from the usual hours of 8:I5 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. And, the services of relief.Northern Affairs Officer from Thunder Bay, Miss Ruth McLennan, who will be in Marathon every second week until the position is permanently filled. Presently Miss McLennan is scheduled to be in this area the week of August 6 - I0, and the week of August 20 - 24. We invite you to drop into our office where requests for information will be handled in the usual manner. May we also suggest that if your summer in- cludes any plans for sightseeing or camping REMBER FURNITURE WAREHOUSE I20I W.Walsh Street Thunder Bay,Ont. (at end of Walsh St.,near Airport) NEW FURNITURE AT DISCOUNT PRICES Bedroom,Livingroom,Kitchen Furniture, Westinghouse Appliances ,Wall-to-Wall Broadloom Motel Furniture and Bedding FREE DELIVERY in NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO you browse over our current supply of pamph- lets on: I. Ontario/Canada Camping ' 2. Ontario Provincial Parks, includ- ing Neys, White Lake, Lake Superior, etc. 3. Ontario/Canada Boating 4. Ontario Fishing Areas. SPORTS SLANTS - By Ray Shank Chicago Black Hawks defenceman Pat Staple- ton is the latest NHL star to defect to the World Hockey Association. And he's not like- ly to be the last. When the 33-year-old Stapleton announced last week that he had signed to play and coa- ch for Chicago Cougars, he also let it be known that he would do his utmost to lure Stan Mikita to the Cougars fold. The Cougars have committed themselves to pay Stapleton $I million over a five-year per- iod (including a $150,000 signing bonus). It's kind of hard to figure how a team that finished last in its division last year and didn't average much more than 4,000 fans a ss sececosae continued page 6 PLAYGIRL BEAUTY SALON All WIGS Will Be PHONE 824-2446