PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY I8, I973 Police Report - continued .......... driver failed to remain. ence will be laid shortly. Also on July I2th as a result of lengthy investigations a Thunder Bay resident was arr- ested and charged with trafficking in narcotic drugs. A possibility of further charges again- st local persons is being considered. Two Highway Traffic Act charges were laid and five motor vehicles were safety checked. Charges for this off- Joan Campbell was awarded St. Martin's School Proficiency Award and she was also awarded the Calder Memorial Award for her general profi- ciency ability to get along with teachers and fellow students and being an all round good student. LADIES GOLF NEWS Tuesday, July 3rd, saw a very nice turnout for the twilight which is most encouraging to a new executive. Keep it up ladies and remem- ber the old saying, "Practice makes Perfect." J. Rattray won low net Tuesday night with P. Wellings runner-up; J. Megraw low hole and D. Clancy high hole. Tuesday, July 10th was another good turnout for our twilight with three complete flights participating. Low net going to J. Megraw and J. Gunter; runner-up P. Wellings and H. Lay- bourne; low hole L. McLeod and high hole D. Clancy. Our tournament chairman has promised novelty twilights for some future evenings, so come on gals keep up the good attendance and have some fun. I for one would like to see Peg tee off with her putter, but with my duck 1 will most likely have the honors. But for someone' who is famous for leaving herself open to long putts, maybe this might be one way of making a hole in one. RECREATION NEWS BEGINNERS POOL AVAILABLE TO PUBLIC: The new Beginners Pool has been available to the public since Wednesday, July 8th. This brand new facility is assisting in the instru- ctional programme at the pool as well as of- fering swimming to the younger kids who are not tall enouah to use the large 25 metre pool. The Beginners Pool schedule is the same as the large pool and we invite as many people to make use or this new facility as possible. This pool is properly filtered, heated and chlorinated. If you are not members of the Swim Pool Association, admission to the Be- ginners Pool is .35¢ for children and students and .75¢ for adults. ATHLETIC FIELD DEVELOPMENT-YOUR HELP NEEDED! Starting this week, a number of people will be volunteering their time to assist in the development of a ball field at the Athletic Field. It is hoped that by sometime next week the back stop will be installed, the blea- chers moved and the diamond staked out to al- low us to transfer our Minor Ball programme from the Separate School field to the Athletic Field. Once the ball field is installed, work will then concentrate on improving all other areas of the field. If you have an hour per week to assist us in this development, please call us at 3542. After all, when this facility is completed, it will be available for YOUR use. YOUTH DANCE THIS WEDNESDAY: 4 The Recreation Office is pleased to announce El that the second youth dance of the summer will he held this Wednesday, July 18th, from 9:00 p.m. to midnight at the Terrace Bay campus auditorium. Music will be provided by Phyllis Brown and Junction, a well-known band from southern Ontario. Admission to this youth dan- ce will be $1.50 per person. PLAYGROUND NEWS: Due to ART TREK, Playground was cancelled last Thursday and Friday evenings for the old- er age groups. Continued page 2 ..cccceee