Vol. 16 'No. I7 May 2, 1973 I5¢ Per Copy TERRACE BAY COUNCIL QUOTES Terrace Bay Town Council met on Tuesday ev- ening, with Reeve Roy Bray presiding, and all 'Councillors present. Minutes were adopted as read. Correspondence included a letter from the Girl Guide Association, asking permission to hold their annual Cookie Day on May 4th, be- tween the hours of 5 and 7 p.m. Permission was granted. Council aurthorized Reeve Bray to proclaim the week of May I3th to the I9th, as National Week for the Mentally Retarded. A letter from R. Yates, re garbage disposal was read and acknowledged. The resignation of Jack Brooks, from the Terrace Bay Library Board was accepted with sincere regret. Council asked Mr. Brooks to remain as Chairman of the Library Board until such time as the vacancies on the Board have been filled. Mr. Brooks has been an active member of the Board since I959, and Chairman since I967. Council commended Mr. Brooks for his long service on the Library Board. The building permit for the additions to the Moose Hall was approved. Reeve Bray and Clerk-Treasurer W. Hanley were authorized to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing on May 3rd, in Thunder Bay. Councillors Hale, Brassard and Clerk Hanley will attend the Thunder Bay District Municipal League meeting in Thunder Bay on May 4th. Police Chief David Barnett and Councillor Brassard, if available, will attend the meet- ing of the Chiefs of Police in Kenora, on May 25th. A resolution was passed to accept the resig- nation of Mrs. M. Buck, as representative of continued page 2 ........ MEDICAL CENTRE Schreiber's Reeve and Council met with rep- resentatives of various organizations in the town to learn and discuss the steps taken so far by the council in its search for a doctor for the town, acting on the advice of Dr. W. Copeman, Director of Underserviced Areas, in the Department of Health. Reeve H.J. McParland outlined the progress to date: Dr. Copeman visited Schreiber and in- spected the premises presently used by the town doctor and while he did not condemn them, he pointed out some deficiencies, and suggest- ed it would go far in encouraging another doc- tor to practice in Schreiber if a medical cen- tre was established. His department's exper- ience, he said, has been that money alone does not necessarily attract a doctor, with working conditions and other amenities having a big role in the decision. The council, therefore, said Reeve McPar- land are concerned to ascertain the feeling of the ratepayers concering such a venture, and presented the following pertinent aspects: A preliminary figure of $60,000 would seem to cover the cost of cantre, with a building of approximately 3000 square feet, which would accomodate two doctors, dentist and a room available to an optometrist paying peri- odic visits, and, the local Health Unit. Grants now available under the Winter Works Program allow payment of I00 per cent of total labour costs during winter months and 50 per cent for the balance of the year. Under this program the capital funding is handled by the Province, by way of debentures sold directly to them, and applications must be made by the end of May. y continued page 4 ......