APRIL 18, 1973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 Legion Auxiliary - cont'd The new bingo cards have been received and checked to ensure there are definitely no duplicates. Reports given included - arrangements for the auxiliary birthday party, May 26. Mrs. Margaret Paxson, district representative has been invited to attend. A shuffle board tournament has been plan- ned, to end on May 19 with a social evening when it is also hoped to have a dart tourna- ment. The White River auxiliary sent an invita- tion to attend their birthday party on April 28 - those wishing to attend please notify Mrs. Bea McCuaig or Mrs. Barbara McLaughlin. Members were reminded to hand in their don- ations for the penny auction on May ll in the town hall. Members dues are to be paid to Mrs. Earline Johnson. Permission was received from the Town Council to conduct the Red Shield Appeal - a project of the auxiliary for many years. A donation was made to Minor Hockey. Mrs. Georgina Davis and Mrs. Brenda Harper volunteered to attend the special meeting with the town council concerning the proposed medical centre in Schreiber. Mrs. Ethel Smith and Mrs. Chris. Morris were appointed to attend the district aux- iliary meeting in Thunder Bay. Mrs. Barbara McLaughlin presided for the meeting with Minutes and Treasurer's report adopted as read by Mrs. Bea McCuaig and Mrs. Pat. Moore. SKATING SHOW BIG SUCCESS The Schreiber Figure Skating Club drew full houses for their two day show this year,with as usual, the "moppets" again winning the audience's heart when they appéared as Team canada, somewhat wobbly, but with grins in- tact as they accepted the resounding applause for their number. : The theme this year was Canada on Ice, wit Carol Webb as the M. C., Laurie Nealin is the club professional with Nancie Spillane as junior instructor. The draw prize, a hamper of groceries, was won by Paddy (Trapper) O'Brien. The club was particularly proud of this show since it was planned by two of their own young skaters - Susan Johnson and Ann Bailey. The 80 some members of the club presented 27 numbers, beautifully costumed, with all the provinces represented, and additional acts of Eskimos and Huskies. . At the end of the program, Laurie Nealin, club professional, of Thunder Bay, and Nancie Spillane, junior instructor, were presented with gifts, and, Susan Johnson and Ann Bailey co-conveners, with bouquets of roses. : Ticket selling was managed by Penny Cacc- amo, Delores Spikula, and Janie Duggan, and the five dollar draw was won by B. E. Tilbury. All the mothers of the performers assisted as dressers and in other ways, with special appreciation going to Mrs. C. Wilde of Ross- port for her original decorations. Debbie Opas of Terrace Bay was | soloist in Schreiber t Figure Skating Show. Photo by Inez McCuaig. SCHREIBER MINOR HOCKEY WINDUP BANQUET Minor Hockey Banquet will be held Sunday, April 29th at I:00 p.m. at the Legion Hall. All boys playing Pee-Wee House league, Pee- Wee Major, Bantam and Midget are urged to attend. This invitation includes all coaches, assistant coaches, manager and members of the executive, also members of Women's Auxil- iary. Dinner will be served and trophies presented. ADMISSION FREE. FOR SALE BY TENDER Lot #I06 Bayview Street, Plan 786, Schreiber, Ontario is being offered for sale. Sealed tenders identified on the outside as lot "IO06 Tender" will be accepted until 4 p.m. May 4, I973. The sale is subject to a reserve bid, highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. E.J. Morgan Director of Education Lake Superior Board of Education P.O. Box 189 Schreiber, Ontario.