PAGE I0 TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 4, 1973 MCCAUSLAND HOSPITAL BULLETIN The Public Relations Committee of The McCausland Hospital has brought the membership drive to a successful close and is happy to report that the almost two months of hard work has brought its rewards. On the other hand we have no room for complacency, when we realize that over 30% of the famil- ies in Terrace Bay and Schreiber have not felt the hospital worthy of their interest and support. Congratulations to the Rossport families who have al- most I00% membership. In the process of being contacted by letter, by phone and even in per- son, it is hoped that the public is somewhat more informed about the hos- pital and the uncertainty of its future, The people of the communities should now be more knowledgable about the privileges of membership in the corpor- ation and more aware that their dollar is put to good use in buying equipment for our hospital. Our thanks to those who willingly bought memberships. Now you can en- courage your board by turning out to voice your opinions, ask questions, nominate or be nominated, and vote at the annual meeting on April 24th. The following is a breakdown of memberships: Number of '72 members contacted - Ross- port -37; Schreiber -3I8; Terrace Bay -4I0. Renewals - Rossport =-34; Schrei- ber -265; Terrace Bay -344; New members Rossport - 6; Schreiber -I84; Terrace Bay -I87. Total - Rossport -40; Schrei -ber -449; Terrace Bay -53I. In the totals for Schreiber and Terrace Bay, there are three in Schrei- ber and 3I in Terrace Bay who have non- voting privileges because their indi- vidual fees were received after March 24th deadline. Public Relations Committee 50-50 DRAW WINNER The March winner of the Schreiber Junior Hockey Club 50-50 Draw was Mr. Neil Ross of Schreiber. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hansen of Terrace Bay, a boy on March 27, 1973. WHAT CAUGHT MY EYE - By Ray Shank The saying "he drinks like a fish" may be higher praise for elbow-bending prowess than you realize. Research at two Boston area hospitals recently shows fish can really put away the booze and rise for more even thou- gh wobbling in the tank. Fish, however, are much like most of us. They suffer from hangovers. The study, by a neurologist and a psychiatrist, says that fish appear to build up a high tolerance to alcohol. Used in the test were six-inch long goldfish, in a tankful of water into which had been poured the equivalent of two dozen martinis. After two hours of swimming in the stuff, the fish gave every indication of being drunk. According to the doctors, they (the fish) performed intricate manoeuvres and finally show- ed evidence of 'wobbling'. Tests disclosed that the fish show- ed a capacity to "hold their liquor" better than most men can. The fish seemed to stay drunk longer on bourbon than water laced with straight alcohol = and orange juice. The doctors also : found that the fish could negotiate a maze while drunk that they couldn't cope with while sober. How about that !!! People apparently aren't the only ones affected by the high price of 3 food. It's tough on animals too. The chief veterenarian at a Florida zoo, for instance, says the cost of feeding the zoo's I,I00 birds, reptiles and : mammals has risen about I5 per cent in the last year. Horse meat alone has 4 gone up from 27 to 39 cents a pound. ¢ And the zoo buys 40,000 pounds of hor- se meat a year. : A New York zoo says its food bill last year was $132,566 for the animals and the bill for the first nine 1 months of this fiscal year is already $160,100 ... Aside from the mass flooding, it's been a beautiful winter in most parts of Southern Ontario, and experts say we're in store for a very warm spring. But if you're a lover of maple syrup, that's not so good. Walter Humphreys, an Ontario government maple syrup continued page. Il....sies