FEBRUARY 2I, 1973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I5 Board Meeting - cont'd ...... schools in Schreiber and Terrace Bay during the week of March 26th. Education week will be held this year from April 8 to April I4 inclus- ive. Winter works program for the year I973 has been approved, and work will soon commence. Ontario Separate School Trustees' Association will be holding their ann- ual convention in Toronto on April 5&6. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 7th at 7 p.m. 'at St. Martin's School, Terrace Bay. ROSSPORT TOWN TOPICS Adolph King has left to spend the rest of the winter with friends in Thunder Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gerow and family] were weekend visitors to Thunder Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell and Dan- iel of Thunder Bay visited relatives here over the weekend. The Ron Lanigans of Nipigon were in the village over the weekend. Clem Downey has left on an extended holiday in the U.S.A. Mike Wannikamik is a patient in a Thunder Bay Hospital and Mrs. Nannete Moses is home from Nipigon Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Elizabeth Moonios and son David has returned from Geraldton. Mrs. Edith Hubelit entered a team in the Schreiber Curling Bonspiel and won third prize in the first event of an electric can opener. Other members of her team were Mrs. Bill Hubelit, Mrs Jack Campbell and Miss Maxine Hubelit. Mrs. Cathy Bouchard is a patient in the McCausland Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David Mushquash visit- ed relatives at Heron Bay over the weekend. ST. BERCHMAN'S ALTAR SOCIETY MEETING Operation "New Organ" was decided by the members of the Altar Society as a project for this year's activities. It will top the list of activities as a priority concern. The president announced that the church organ was re- paired but was advised that it could not last much longer and being of a very old type that it was almost impos- sible to obtain parts for it. Often the repair man has to try to make a working part for it. Mrs. Eugene Gerow. called the meeting to order and led in the opening and closing prayers and welcomed all who attended. Mrs. Herb Legault read the minutes and correspondance. Mrs. C. Todesco presented the financial state- ment and bills. After a lengthy discussion, the mem- bers decided after hearing the repair- man's report on the condition of the church organ, it was decided to start as soon as possible to raise funds to purchase a new one. And certainly any donations towards this fund if anyone desired to contribute for this worthy cause would be accepted. Reports were heard on the church cleaning and favourable comments were heard on the good condition the church is kept. The report on letters written for Penny Auction prizes were heard. The treasurer was instructed to pur- chase a number of articles at a sale to be used for the Penny Auction. Several pieces of sewing and fancy work were reported finsihed for the sale. Members discussed the Terrace Bay Hospital membership drive, also the Auxiliary drive and were urged to contribute if possible. The secretary was advised to obtain some more mater- ial for sewing purposes. It was de- cided to wear a homemade St. Patrick's Day corsage and bring an Irish story or poem to the March meeting program. Following adjournment the hostess Mrs. Schelling served luncheon and an enjoy- able social hour was had. Mrs. Gerow invited the members to her home for the March meeting. * TOI SEPPALA BURRIED IN THUNDER BAY Mr. Toivo (Toi) Seppala, age 58 years of Rossport, died in Thunder Bay Hospital, February 7th, I973 following a lengthy illness. Born in Port Arthur he resided there until moving to Rossport in 1946. A member of the Lutheran Church he was proprietor of the Rossport Inn, had been chairman of the annual Rossport Fish Derby for many years and was very active in community and municipal affairs. continued page I8