PAGE 20 TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 7, 1973 Library News-cont'd from page I6 ..... The year's copies of National Geogra- phics will be sent away for binding in one volume. The board noted with pleasure the ex cellent condition in which the library premises are maintained by the town caretaker. The new shelving units have been re- ceived but the board is still in a quandry regarding the saving and discar- ding of old shelves, dependent on the possibility of acquiring larger quarters and the hope for volunteer labour to make the change-over of so many books. No immediate decision is required and several angles are being explored. A catalogue of 27,000 books was re- ceived from Bro-Dart of Canada which will be studied - all members acting on the book selection committee. A lengthy questionnaire was studied and filled in most of the answers, in this board's decisions, contingent of their limited budget. The excellent libraries maintained by the three schools in town greatly assist the public library in reference material and in film resources. A new World Encyclopedia was placed on order, it appears to be an improved source of reference material for students. The board is most grateful to the local art club whose members supply changing group of paintings to be studied in the library, offering both a challenge to one's considering this medium of expression and pride in tho- se in the community who have achieved so much by effort, interest and deter- mination, with few professional lessons Mrs. Kay Gellert has returned from Winnipeg where, with other employees, she took a course in banking procedur- es, sponsored by the Bank of Montreal Mrs. Michael Newell a former res- ident of Terrace Bay, now residing in Prince George, B.C. was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dejonghe. A contribution to the Ability Fund (March of Dimes) is a helping hand to disabled adults. the N22 MEN'S AMERFOAM JACKETS with zip-out liner Sizes 42 and 44 Reg. $32.00 $17.00 CAR 'WARMERS SPECIAL Reg. $I4.95 special $ 9,00 SKATES & HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, HELMETS, SHOULDER PADS, .ELBOW GUARDS, SHIN PADS, HOCKEY PANTS 1/3 OFF PEGULAR PRICE EASY CHAIRS, PLATFORM ROCKERS, SWIVEL ROCKERS & RECLINERSp47 OFF REG, PRICE TOBOGGANS & SLEIGHS[/3 OFF REG. PRICE " an " Reg.$5.98 &$7.98 DO ROHR re "e100 AND $6.00 SCHREIBER, ONT. BUYS DOUBLE KNIT POLYESTER Asst. Colours 60" width Reg. $4.98 yd. - specnl $3.00 MEN'S SHIRTS Variety of Dress & Sport Sizes S-M-IL-XL Reg. $2.99 to $6.00 special $2,00 10 $ 4.CO MEN'S CORDUROY JACKETS Pile Lined Sizes 42 to 44 Reg. $29.98 $20.00 SPECIAL BOY'S DOUBLE KNIT PANTS 100% Polyester Sizes 8 to I6 Reg. $8.98 special, $6,000 THE BAY HAIR SPRAYReg. & Hard to Hold I2 oz. Spray Can Reg. 83¢ specia. $ ,69 MEN'S SNOWMOBILE SUITS M-L-XL Reg. $29.98 SPECIAL $23.00