PAGE I9 TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 24,I973 CLASSIFIED ADS - CARDS OF THANKS ANNOUNCEMENTS Minimum Charge - 75¢ (25 words and under) cash in advance. ($I.00 if charged) 3¢ per word after 25. *hkkkk FOR RENT - Apartment for Rent 824-2172 FOR RENT - One bedroom, furnished apartment, Private bath and private entrance, Ideal for one person,Phone §25-3382 CARD OF THANKS - My sincere thanks to my family, friends and neighbours for the lovely flowers, gifts and cards while I was in the Port Arthur General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McCausland, Joanes and Gooding, to the Albert Cadieux family and Leona and Bob Fournier, Your help and concern is greatly appreciated, ~ Pearl Petrushak CARD OF THANKS - To Dr, McCausland and all the staff at the McCausland Hospital for their care and attention during my stay there and to those who found time to visit and send cards, my sincere thanks, - Lloyd Walker CARD OF THANKS = To all my fellow employees and friends, I would like to express my sincere thank you for the cards and gifts received on my retirement, A special thankyou to the lMcLeods' end Santerres!, also local 665 Pulp and Peper workers, =~ Conley MacDonald "FREE" YOUR OWN SNOWMOBILE REPAIR PARTS & ACCESSORY CATALOGUE - "LATEST REVISED EDITION - GUARANTEED SAVINGS OF 30% OR MORE." JUST MAIL YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO "DIRECT DISTRIBU- TING INC., P, 0. BOX 1178, HULL, QUEBEC, CANADA", A COMPLETE SELECTION OF PARTS & ACCESSORIES TO CHOSE FROM, NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE, YOU'LL ALWAYS RECEIVE FAST SERVICE, NOTE: PRESENT CUSTOMIRS PLEASE DO NOT RE APPLY, YOUR NEW CATALOGUE IS BEING MAILED AUTOMATICALLY, CARD OF THANKS - Sax Lundberg wishes to thank the local Legion, Branch 223, for visits, cigarettes and magazines during his recent stay in hospital. FOR SALE - I970 RCA 23" black and white television in excellent condi- tion. Phone 824-2812. FOR SALE - Double compartment laundry tubs. Phone 825-3768 'after 6 p.m. FOR SALE - I967 Mustang, top, stereo tape. tion. $825. firm. e. goo0Y 'hard Excellent condi- Phone 824-2389. NOTICE - Your Singer Sewing Machine Representative Mr. E. Kankinen will be in Terrace Bay on January 3Ist and February Ist and in Schreiber on February Ist and February 2nd. Con- tact him by phoning the Terrace Bay News Office 825-3747. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Gordon M. Dodge GENERAL INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE-FIRE-CASUALTY-LIABILITY 179 HUDSON DRIVE i. m. dodick re be . 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE thru THUNDER BAY Classified PHONE 622-7726 START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT WITH MAE'S GREAT SPECIALS FROM FEBRUARY I5th - END OF THE MONTH Perms $25.00 for $15.00; $15.00 for $10.00 $I0.00 for $ 7.00 which includes set and cut. Streaks - $15.00 for $10.00 Cut, wash & set $5.00 for $4.00 Shampoo & set - $2.50 Monday - Thursday. COFFEE SERVED NOTICE - Mr. Aedy, Optometrist will be in Terrace Bay at the Imperial Motel on Thursday, February 8th and Friday, February 9th. For appointments phone 825-3698. MOOSE BINGO The Loyal Order of Moose will spon- sor a bingo on Tuesday, January 30th at 8 p.m. in the Moose Hall, Terrace Bay. Bus leaves Schreiber at 7:I5 p.m. Sorry no minors allowed. Water and Your Steam Iron If the manufacturer of your steam iron rec- ommends - the use of distilled water in the appliance, take heed, says Consumers' Associa- tion of Canada. Tap water or chemically soft- ened water leaves a residue which will clog the small holes in the steam and spray mechan- isms, and will reduce the life of your iron. CAC Headquarters is located at IOO0 Gloucester Street, Ottawa.