PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 15, 1972 LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE COMMUNITY CHURCH The Ladies Auxiliary of the Community Church met on Monday evening at 8 p.m. beginning with worship in the Sanctuary. Mrs. Ena Buckley was in charge of the Worship Ser- vice, aad the window for study was the Cross and the Crown, will hold a place of honour over the Altar. Mrs. Buckley gave an interesting account of the history of the Cross and the Crown, and played a por- tion of the Hallelujah Chorus on record. The meeting adjourned to the Church hall, where Mrs. Soughton, President, welcomed all the ladies to the meeting. She opened with a short prayer. Mrs. Joanne Pearen, Secretary, read the minutes of the last general and executive meetings. Treasurer's rep- ort was given by Mrs. Marg Duriez. Correspondence was read. Mrs, Soughton expressed her thanks to those who assisted in selling tickets to the Cooking School, and suggested a note of thanks be sent to Costa's Food Market for presenting the school . A Sunday School luncheon is to be served to the pupils on December 17. After some discussion, it was decided that the Auxiliary should donate $500 to the Sunday School to aid with their supplies. Mrs. Soughton announced she had purchased Christ- mas Tree lights for the trees to be used at Christmas time. The Altar Guild gave their report. Candles will be ordered for the Candlelight Service, Christmas Eve. the Sunday School is using. Rev. McKauge thanked the Auxiliary on behalf of the Sunday School for their generous donation .+ Mrs. Margaret McKague and Mrs. Evelyn Cornfield | served a delicious lunch. GRADES 7 AND 8 OF T.B.P.S. EXCURSION On the cold morning of November nineth of this term, the Grades seven and eight had a trip to Long = lac with our teachers Mr. Davey and Mrs. Costall. After travelling quite a way up Spiddells Road we stopped and viewed the cutting operations. Many questions were asked and interesting answers were given, After a quick lunch in Longlac, one half of us went to the Weldwood, plywood mill and the other half went to the Kimberly Clark lumber mill, After a per- iod of about one hour, we switched. At both oper- ations, the tour guides gave us a detailed explanation of the activities taking place. The ride home seemed long but it gave us time to reminisce over the day's activities, by Bill Megraw RECREATION NEWS Junior Badminton Program Starts This Saturday: All those who registered for this program are remin- ded to be at the High School Campus auditorium at The executive will bring the lunch for the December meeting at which time a Christmas party will take place. The Afternoon Group will be invited. A 50¢ gift exchange will take place. Mrs. C. Ropchan thanked all those who had supplied flowers for the Altar over the summer. Mrs. Elaine Mannisto gave a report on the forth coming Christ- mas Bazaar, Mrs. Harris reminded the mem- bers that the Afternoon Group are collecting for the Crippled Civi- lians in Toronto. Rev. Peter McKague was the guest speaker of the evening. His topic was the new curriculum of the Sunday School, and he had on hand some of the books which rb cont'd on page 5..... Do Your Christmas Shopping Early! Order the FORT WILLIAM MALE CHOIR NEW 2 RECORD ALBUM "CURTAIN TIME" Produced By RCA Victor fore oy Sig Only $ To Be Released By Mid-November plus tax Orders taken by CeTs BUCK POST OFFICE BUILDING TERRACE BAY