PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 20, 1972 TERRACE BAY POLIC E DEPARTMENT REPORT Among the twenty-one occurences which took place during the week, Police investigated two Criminal Code Offences. A stolen vehicle being pursued by O.P. ran into the rear of the Terrace Bay Police Cruiser. The un- known occupants of the stolen vehicle took to the bush and this matter is still being investigated. During the early hours of the same day, patrolling Police Officer found a local business entered with nothing apparently stolen. Eight motor vehicles were spot checked for equip- ment and five warnings issued. Three transients were spot checked. A transient salesman was checked and found to be acting within the law. The International Scout vehicle stolen August 21st was recovered 30 mi. east of Wawa undamaged. WOMEN OF THE MOOSE MEETING Chapter 1426 Women of the Moose held their Chapter night meeting on Sept. 4th with Publicty chairman Betty Randa and her committee of co-work- ers Mary lhnatko, Nacy Marquis and Elsie Wills being in charge of the programme. Recorder Stella Sadowick read the minutes of the previous meeting and gave the financial report. Senior Regent Sadie Benko reminded all members of the Annual Moose Convention which will be held in Thunder Bay on October 6th, 7th and 8th, and any member wishing to attend , to get in touch with the Recorder. Junior Graduate Regent, Anne Stachiw received a letter from Mooseheart informing her that she has earned the Award of Achievement for 1971-72 and that she will be invested with her green cap at the convention ceremony in Thunder Bay on Oct. 8th. Reports were given by standing and special committ- ees. Following adjournment, lunch was served by Betty Randa and her committee. Raffle was won by Minnie Woodruff. The next meeting will be held on September 19th. Mr. and Mrs. C .G. Welbourne of Burnaby, B.C. have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welbourne. LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, PARENTS ano INTERESTED PERSONS from the Communities of ROSSPORT, SCHREIBER, AND TERRACE BAY are invited to attend UNIVERSITY DAY at the Schreiber Campus, Thursday, Sept. 21, 1972 GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT 2:30pm - 4:30pm Representatives from each Ontario University and the Ministry of Colleges and Universities will be available for short presentations and consultation. An opportunity to have first-hand information about the University education you may be planning. For further information contact the