1 PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 7, 1972 WE || the swimmer who showed most progress and interest in the swim programme. The presentation was made by Swim Pool Manager, Mrs. Claire Roen in the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Duriez who were unable to be present | Congratulations are in order to all the successful swimmers in the 1972 Swim Program and fo Mrs. CALL 824-2533, Business; 824-2420, Home; Roen and the Swim Pool Staff for the excellent job prism Lips 824-2280, Home they performed this summer. This past summer has seen Terrace Bay win for the first time the North FIGLIOMENI BROS. | re si te, ee en SCHREIBER, ONTARIO Ontario Open Swimming Championships held in PAVING FOR ® DRIVEWAYS @ PARKING LOTS ® SERVICE STATIONS @ PLAYGROUNDS Thunder Bay. Also, it is fo be noted that a very high passing rate in swim tests was achieved by our swim- it immediately after use. New tapes have been in= | mers this summer. stalled at the tennis court for your convenience. Those swimmers who were unable to be present on Swim Pool Closes September 10th: Friday night fo receive their awards may pick them up at the Swim Pool office this week during swim pool hours, which are posted at the Pool. Tennis = cont'd All swimmers are reminded that the swimming pool will continue to operate up until Sunday, September 10th. A revised pool schedule is posted at the swimming pool for your convenience. Roller Skating: Roller skating sessions will continue to operate until the last week in September or the first week in October. Sessions will be held once weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. Admission is as follows: Recreation Members = Adults 50¢, students and children 25¢; non-Recreation Members= |.g| Jones, planned and served a Sunday morning Adults 65¢, students and children 35¢. breakfast, at reasonable rates, an hour before the Coming Events: 10 a.m. Worship Service, in the Community Church = September 18th-19th - Art Workshop, Craft Room, | hall. An hour of fellowship was shared by those who Recreation Centre. For more information, contact | attended, and it is hoped that more people will the Recreation Office at 3542. attend the next breakfast hour, prior to Worship : Service next Sunday. Ruth Soughton has returned from a two month tour overseas, where she travelled through Europe, Africa, An enterprising member of the Community Church, = SWIM POOL AWARDS NIGHT A very successful Awards Night was held last and Israel, before going to London, England, to Friday, September Ist, in the Curling Lounge of the visit relatives and then back to Canada and Terrace Recreation Centre. Several parents were present, Bay. 4 4 ; ; as well as the swimmmers who participated in this Karin Lundberg is spending a week with her parents past summer's Swim Program. Badges were presented Mr. and Mrs. S. Lundberg and visiting friends in to successful Tadpole, Minnow, Pre-Beginner, Terrace Bay, prior to returning fo York University for Beginner, Survival, Junior, Intermediate and her final year. ; . ; Senior swimmers, and ribbons were presented fo Suzanne Lemay spent an interesting six weeks in those who won places in the Terrace Bay Swim Meet England, studying English Drama at Stratford-on-Avon and the Northwestern Ontario Open Swimming with a few days in Paris , before returning fo Terrace Championships. Bay and then taking up her teaching duties at Holy The highlight of the evening was the presentation Angels School in Schreiber. of the Duriez Trophy for 1972, which was won by Nancy Bouchard. This trophy is in recognition of