PAGE 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS AUGUST 30,1972 Go to the CHURCH of your choiee TERRACE BAY ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. A. Greengrass SUNDAY MASS - 8:30 and 10:30 A.M. SATURDAY MASS - 7:00 P.M. CONFESSIONS - 6:15 ~ 6:45 P.M. and after evening Mass on Saturday. COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev, P. McKague SERVICE OF WORSHIP - 10:00 A.M. Care for Babies and Pre-Schoolers. ROSSPORT ST. BERCHMAN'S CHURCH MASS - 1:00 P.M. SUNDAY SCHREIBER ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. A.L. Chabot No services during July and August Special services on request By contacting Reverend Chabot, Marathon HOLY ANGEL'S CHURCH - Rev. Fo Jo Meyer DAILY MASS - Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday and Thursday - 7:30 A.M. - Saturday 9:00 A.M. & 7:15 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICE - 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. CONFESSIONS - Saturday 4:15 - 5:15 P.M.; before Saturday evening Mass; before Sunday morning Mass and before all deily Masses. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH ~- Reve R. L. Dye MID WEEK SERVICE - 7:00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ~- 11:00 A.M. EVENING PRAYER - 7:00 P.M. THE McCAUSLAND HOSPITAL AUXILIARY A Special General Meeting of the McCausland Hospital Ladies' Auxiliary will be held on Sept. 5th at 8:00 P.M. in the Home Economics Room of the Terrace Bay High School. This meeting is be- ing held to present By-Laws and Constitution for approval . OLLIE CHAPMAN WINS TROPHY "| did it the hard way," said a smiling Ollie, "I didn't think | had a chance, and | did not have my number one wood for my drives". But she kept on hitting the ball, staying out of sand traps, the rough, and came out the winner of the Board of Directors Tournament. Congratulations Ollie, and as the defending Trophy holder, we hope Santa will bring you a driver for Christmas. Of all the frustrated grips after dubbing the ball, | think Marge Phillips has a real original. "Oh you dumb cluck, you were supposed to go half way down the fairway, " said Marge, as the ball bounced some twenty feet away. The runner up in this tournament was Jeannette Gunter. August 15th twilite = Gross winner-Jeannette Gunter; Consolations-Ollie Chapman. August 22nd twilite = Net winner-Ollie Chapman Runner up net winner = Jeannette Gunter; Consolation Julie Rattray and Ida Romaniuk. IMPRESSIVE EXHIBITS AT ANNUAL GARDEN SHOW The Terrace Bay Horticultural Society's 18th annual Flower and Vegetable Show was held Saturday August 26th in the arena. While the number of exhibits and exhibitor's was down from some previous years, the judge, Mr. Bert Sitch, remarked that in view of the weather this year he felt that the quality of exhibits was quite good. Mr. John Steen in his remarks expressed his thanks to the donors of the prizes and recommended that we remember these people in our shopping. He also thanked the judge and the competitors without whom there could be no show. Once again the Junior Gardeners had quite an impressive display of exhibits = 145 entries were made | by twenty Junior Gardeners. Bill Megraw, Jr. was the big winner for both the Garden Competition and the highest aggregate points in the show. In the senior section of the Junior Gardeners, Bill Megraw had the highest number of points, followed by Kelly McKie, Lori McBride, Brenda Cornfield and Craig Hiebert. In the junior section of the Junior Gardeners the continued page 3 .......