JULY 26, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 11 Director Pat Mulligan and Councillor Bob Spadoni watching landing. Advisor Toi Seppala demonstrates swimming stroke during visit to observe canoe instruction to Direc- tor Mulligan and Co-ordinator of Recreation Speck. Track and Field Club: John Brooks, Director of the local Track & Field programme has reported a drop in interest in activ- ity. A club cannot operate without members. Workouts are held Mon., Wed., & Fri., 3 p.m. for elementary participants and 4 p.m. for high school plus a 7 p.m. workout for everyone on Tues. Four coaches are required to aid John in his ex- cellent work. Volunteer your name to G. Speck. An executive consisting or a Pres., Vice-Pres., Sec. Treas. and Publicity Director are needed now. SCHREIBER COUNCIL QUOTES Three proposals were considered by the Schreiber Municipal council at their July meeting and that of R.T. Yates finally accepted for solid waste and maintenance of land fill site, that will meet the specifications of the Ontario Department of Health, for the sum of $1400.00 per month, under the following conditions = that Performance Bond, two year contract chattel mortgage and routine schedule maintained. Reeve Harness reported on meeting with A. T. Kirk, District Mining Engineer, Ministry of Natural Resources, regarding the open pit on Langworthy St. Since mineral rights are not involved in the problem the Mining Act does not apply and no help can be given concerning the fencing the township wants. Hacquoil Construction Ltd. suggests the pit be filled in and a further meeting with the Company is expected. F. Wright, of the Ministry of Environment, was in town recently to inspect several properties which might be utilized for land fill sites. The C.P.R. advised council that Neil Foot and D.M. Green will arrange for a meeting to inspect the dam at Cooks' Lake. Information was received from Pinewood Court on plans being made to provide additional accommoda- tion. A detailed outline of the proposed visit to Thunder Bay Riding by the Hon. W. Ross MacDonald, Lieut. Governor of Ontario was studied. Mrs. Mavis Slater sent an appreciative note than thanking the town for the gift she had received honouring her recent election as President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. Water works accounts of $622.30 and general accounts of $7665.66 were approved for payment. The By-law prohibiting keeping of certain dom- esticated animals and fowl, within designated area of the township was amended. August 7th was set as Civic Holiday for Schreiber this year. An inspector will be appointed to enforce the Trench Excavators Protection Act. Councillor Fischer reported the value of building permits from July 5th to July 10th was $66,875.00. The clerk-treasurer's salary was increased from $6500.00 to $7200.00 and the assistant clerk's from $5500.00 to $6,000.00.