PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 27, 1972 (continued from page 11...W.l.) A penny auction was planned for June 2, with members asked to donate prizes. Mrs. Nelson Smith presided for the election of officers: Mrs. Charles Todesco, president; Mrs. Joe Campbel first vice president; Mrs. Harvey McCanna, second vice president; Mrs. Wesley Clemens, secretary-treas- urer; Mrs, Betty Baxter, card secretary; Mrs, J.D. Bryson, pianist; Mrs, Clemens, district director; Stand ing conveners were appointed: Mrs. Campbell, Citiz- enship and World Affairs; Mrs. Clemens Education and Cultural Activities; Mrs. Bill Thrower - Public Relations. Mrs. Morris, retiring president, thanked her officerd and the members for the support given her, and, offer ed her take care of the cupboard keys. Mrs. Todesco, thanked Mrs. Smith for presiding, and asked for co-operation from the members, She also presented her report as Tweedsmuir History Curat- or, asking anyone who has articles or pictures of Schreiber's early history to donate them to the Tweed- muir Book. The draw prize for the meeting was won by Mrs, Campbell. The members enjoyed a potluck salad sup- per, with Reeve Harness, as a special guest. In the whist games which followed the winners were Mrs, Harness, first, Mrs. Baxter, second, Mrs. Eleanor O'Connor, third, and Mrs. Morris, consolat- ion. P.C. MEETING The following delegates were elected, at the meetin) of the Schreiber Progressive Conservative Association, to attend the riding convention being held in May in Thunder Bay, R.B. Spadoni, Giovanni Cébrario, Joe Commisso, Lester McCuaig, E.E. Forgues, Laurie Fraser, Donald Beno, Pat Halonen, Walter Dukes, Bruce Gordon. A letter will be sent, regarding the reported loss of reMuneration fo business firms, who have been coll- ecting sales tax. There were lively discussions on several issues, with opinions freely offered. Mr. J.P. Mulligan, who presided, reported on the placing of fingerling fish in various lakes in the area. Minutes were approved as read by irs. Audrey vicKay, and oustanding accounts passed for payment. ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED The Schreiber-Terrace Bay Association for the Men= tally Retarded which will shortly conduct its annual campaign for funds through the Flowers of Hope proj- ect, presented this interesting report of their activit- ies during the past year, at their annual meeting. A public education program was conducted with talks and films presented to the various churchs and services clubs. Books on Mental retardation were given to the public libraries and the high school libraries. In addition to financial assistance, alanguage mac- hine with tapes and headphones was purchased and loaned to the Marathon school. Various arts and crafts materials were collected from local church groups for use in classrooms, ; Assistance to local retarded children was as follows: Christmas gifts, ten dollars per school month given to one student to help defray weekly transportation cost. Two volunteers work with a pre-schooler in Ter- race Bay and weekly visits were made to a teen-ager in Schreiber. Visits were made to the parents of a new reta baby by the Family Service chairman. Assistance out of the district was a most successful toy drive when toys donated were given to the Lake- head Psychiatric Hospital. A donation of $3.00 is sent each month to the Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital for spending money for patients able to go into the city from the hospital. Highlights of last year were the visit of Father John Rice, of the Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital as a guest speaker, and the attendar-e of one local child at the special olympics held in Toronto last June. 9 Bill Malcolm is chairman of the fund drive this year and among the plans made were t o have flowers placed on the Altars in the churches, flower seeds to be: sent to prospective members, and literature to be pla- ced in both Schreiber and Terrace Bay in strategic places. Clergymen will be asked to give special mes- sages during their services. The above report was presented by Mrs. Paul Cebrario. rded Mr. and Mrs, Fred Harness, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Phillops, Mr. and vrs. Lester McCuaig , Mvirs, Rus- ell maCadam, Mrs. Ken Davis were in Thunder Bay to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Eva Brown.