APRIL 20, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 Al Terrace Bay news J) --., ed e.g Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825 = 3747, Deadline for advertisements and Carnival Days at the BAY | April 20, 2],and 22nd. news material is NOON MONDAY. Classified Ads ~ Cards of Thanks and Announcements ~ Minimum Charge ~ 75¢ (25 words end under). CASH IN ADVANCE, (I.00) if charged. 3¢ per word after 25. Subscription Rate - $4.00 per year. (in town) $5.00 per year. (out of town). Second class mail. Registration number 0867. MANAGING EDITOR ~- EGON NIELSEN. C.W.L. NEWS CONTINUED Mrs. Dashkewytch then presented her President's Annual report. To the executive, the members of the various committees, who had given their support and co-operation during the past two years, during her tenure in office, she offered her heartfelt thanks. To the members of the League, she expressed her gratitude for giving her the privelege of serving God and Canada and C.W.L. Mrs. Malashewski read the secretary's annual re- port. Mrs. Regis presented the annual financial state- ment. Standing committee convenors read their annual reports. The reports of all of the Council could not help but be impressive with the vast accomplishments of the League. The reports were all mimeographed, so that the members could take them and review them at home. Some of the highlights of the past year were: 45 cartons of used clothing shipped to a local mission; a 25 and 45 year scroll presented to 2 members; a bursary Fund set up for native Seminarian in Kandy, Ceylon; and assisting families during bereavement by serving meals and providing baking. Their membership shows an increase, there being presently 108 members. Many of them are also playing] an active part in other organizations in the communi- ty. All reports were approved as read. Mrs. Dashkewytch declared all offices vacant, and turned the meeting over to the Nominations Chairman | Mrs. M. Gordon, who presented the 1972-73 slate of officers. President - Mrs. G. Ramsay; Second Vice = Mrs. M, Chepelsky; Secretary = Mrs. P. Malashew- ski; Treasurer = Mis. F. Helmink. Following the lection, Mrs. Gordon called the officers to the platform. Reverend A. Greengrass in- stalled the officers, followed by his blessing, and the presentation of the League Gavel to the President} (Cont'd on Pg.4) KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION St. Martin's School TERRACE BAY Thursday, April 20th ' 7:30 'p.m. Kindergarten Classroom St. Martin's. School Forms and information have already been mailed to parents who, according to school records, have children eligible to attend kindergarten this September. If you have a child who will be 5 years old by December 31, 1972, and you have not yet received these forms, please telephone the school (825-3255) as soon as possible. NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the Estate of BRONISLAW WERCZYNSKI, Terrace Bay Janitor, who died on or about the 11th day of January, 1972. Teke notice that all persons having claims ageinst this Estete are required to send to the undernamed their names and particulars of their claims on or before the 2Ist day of April, 1972, efter which date the Estate will be distri- buted having regard only to the claims of which the Execu- tors then have notice. PIERRE-MICHEL DUBE 1-6 Whitman Court P. 0. Box 789 Marathon, Ontario Solicitor for the Estate