APRIL 13, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 A verrace say news Jf) I A i ia ie Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, | Post Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario Phone 825 - 3747. Deadline for advertisements and news material is NOON MONDAY. Classified Ads - Cards of Thanks and Announcements - Minimum charge - 75¢ (25 words and under). CASH IN ADVANCE. (1.00) if charged. 3¢ per word after 25. Subscription Rate - $4.00 per year. (in town) $5.00 per year. (out of town). Second class meil. Registration number 0867. MANAGING EDITOR ~- EGON NIELSEN Sw ------------------------------ (continued from page 2... Keep-Fit Classes) sessions. Registration fee for the Keep-Fit Classes will be as follows : Recreation members - $2.50; Recreation non-members = $5.00. The course will run for six weeks with one session held per week. It is possible that the registration number for the course will have to be limited; there- fore, IF YOU WISH TO TAKE THE COURSE, REG- ISTER NOW. 7K MEN'S BASKETBALL - SPRING LEAGUE The Recreation Office will also accept names of any men interested in taking part in a spring Basket- ball league. Anyone attending Secondary School wil not be allowed to participate in this league. One session will be held per week for a total of six weeks To register, please call the kecreation Office and leave your mame and phone number. Sessions will be held on Wednesday evenings; however, specific times of the sessions will be announced later. To register, call the Recreation Office (3542) NOW! CERAMICS COURSE The Recreation Office regretfully reports that the Ceramics workshop will not be held this spring. In talking to the course instructor, it was indicated that the course will have to be postponed until Sept- ember. All those who indicated an interest in taking the course will be contacted by phone reporting the above, and will also be contacted in September to determine if they are still interested in taking the __course. NOTICE TO THE PARENTS OF CHILDREN ~~ » WHO WILL BE ENROLLING FOR KINDERGARTEN IN SEPTEMBER 1972 Children will be enrolled next week, April 17th, 18th, and 19th. Prior to this, the principal is having a meet- ing for parents of all prospective enrollees on Thursday, April 13th at 7:30 p.m. at the Ter- race Bay Public School in order to outline the testing proceedures which shall be followed this year and to outline the new level system which shall be used for pupil placement and progress in the future. All parents of Kindergarten enrollees for September 1972 should endeavor to attend. Ken MacLeod Principal, Terrace Bay Public School "Holsum Bread always tastes gi like Mommy 4 just baked |, it!" all the Good things baked in T.M. TRADEMARK OF W. E. LONG CO.-IBC 21972 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED