APRIL 6, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 Al terrace say news Jf) Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrece Bay, Ontario. Phone 825 -. 3747, Deadline for advertisements and news material is NOON MONDAY. Clessified Ads - Cards of Thanks and Announcements - Minimum charge - 75¢ (25 words and under). CASH IN ADVANCE. (I.00) if charged. 3¢ per word after 25. Subsoription Rate - $4.00 per yeer. (in town) $5.00 per year. (out of towm). Second cless meil. Pagistpetion number 0867. ' MANAGING EDITOR ~ EGON NIELSEM SOCIETY'S SPRING ACTIVITIES The Board of Directors of the Terrace Bay Hort- icultural Society met on March 27 for their second meeting in 1972. Plans for the semi-annual meeting, which will be held on Thursday, April 27 at 8:00 p.m. in the large meeting room of the Recreation Centre, were dis- cussed and finalized. Four Trillium Awards will again be awarded to the most attractive front yards in Schreiber and Terrace Bay . John and Irene Steen were appointed to attend the District Meeting in the Lakehead on April 14. Mr. Koke will be supplying our bedding plants and mem- bership premiums. Buy your membership cards before May 15, and be assured of a bright Begonia Tuberous Maxima to brighten a corner. Member ships are sell- ing well under the chair manship of Mrs. Donna Jos- us. Contact her or any director, if we haven't cont- acted you. Mr. Steen reports several orders for fertilizers and other gardening needs and reminds others to place their orders now. He expects to have his first quota ready for pick-up by the end of April. If you'd like your soil analysed, contact our president and he'll see that your sample is tested. We hope to see you at our spring meeting on April 27th. Door prizes, local slides and lunch. Ruth Fremes is a home economist and broadcaster. Her com- bined experience in both fields qualifies her as one of Canada's top consumer specialists. She's heard each week, along with consumer law expert Bill Neilson, on CBC Radio's Consumer Probe and Comment, answering questions sent in by listeners. What's your consumer complaint? Send it in to CBC Radio Con- sumer Affairs, Box 500, Station A, Toronto 116, and Ruth Fremes may answer it on air for yaw. NOTICE a The Township of Terrace Bay has employed a dog catcher, His duties will begin on Thurs- day, April 6th. All untagged dogs will be pic- ked up and destroyed. Tagged dogs, if caught loose on the streets, will be picked up and their owners notified and charged 3 ATTENTION! Due to Spring Thaw, the ice is becoming unsafe. Parents are asked to warn their child- ren to stay away from ice and flowing water. GUIDES AND BROWNIES The Ladies Auxiliary to the Guides and Brownies held their monthly meeting in the Community Church. The meeting was chaired by Mrs. Gail Moore and opened with the Guide Prayer. Minutes were read by the secretary. Final plans were made for the bake sale on April Ist. Plans were also made for Cooky Day on May 19th. Mrs. Anna McKie will be the convenor. The meeting was adjourned and a lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Evelyn Cornfield and Mrs. Edna Ramsay . STORK CLUB Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. Spencer, on March 28th, a girl; 6 pounds, 6 1/2 ounces. Born to Mr. and vrs. Joseph Garon, on March 30th, a boy; 7 pounds, 10 ounces. RECREATION NEWS ARENA SEASON ENDS TODAY, APRIL 6TH All arena activities will end tonight, April 6th, so be sure tocheck the arena schedule at the Rec- reation Centre to get in your last public skating of the season. RINGETTE On monday, April 3rd, ajunior and senior team travelled from Red Rock to return two games to the