MARCH 9, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 (continued from page 6 = Mother and Daughter) League, was planned by Mesdames Kay Stefurak, Edna Cocks, Irene Moorey, Mary Kaczmiercjak, and Carla Maronese, served by girls of the various chur- ches in town, assisted by members of the United Ch- urch Women. Father Meyer, the guest speaker; urged mothers to become involved in the Guide Movement, dwelling on the many facets of the work, and the various ways in character and personality were developed in the girls by both play and in learning useful crafts. "It is not right," he said, " to expect others to find the time to become leaders, which takes training, and not volunteer to assist in some way, yourself." It is when we are young that lessons are learned most easily = when we are older the learning is harder and frequently, painful. Father Meyer's gift, a tray bearing the Guide Crest, was presented with an amusing speech about it being used for his coffee breaks. Photo above show some of the head table at the 'Mother and Daughter Banquet . Left to right: Father F.J. Meyer, Mrs. Mary Shack, Capt. Barbara O'B- rien, Reeve Harness, Mrs. R. McGrath, Photo above shows Mrs. Harold McParland who responded to toasts given to mothers by her daughters Colleen (left) for the Brownies and Maureen (right) for the Guides. BROWNIES Brown Owl, Marcie Cebrario, accepted the foll- owing Tweenies into the Schreiber Brownie Pack. (see next column for pictures) Photo above shows, (back) = Virginia Stortini, Sheila Valentino, Cathy Doig, Sandra Wills, Laura Reynolds, (front) = Donalda Tremblay, Linda Legyel, and Rosalie Kishniryk. Tawny Owls, June Sisson and Betty Huard also took part in the ceremonies, with packys Donna McGrath, Tina Cebrario, and Betty Anne Huard assisting. The new Brownies presented small bags of bon- bons to their mothers and following the ceremonies teaand cakes were served to the parents and friends attending. PHOTO aoove shows Brownie's in the Vslentine Ceremony:- sack Marigold Rishop, Karen Goodmurphy, Shelley and Gwends Richsrd- son, Julie Stortini: FRONT:- Celin Tremblsy, Linda Réen, Cathy Craham, Roselyn Zaporzan, Carmen Trapp. SAFETY CLINIC Constable Don Anderson, local O.P.P. Detach- ment, played host for the Safety Clinic held in the high school in Schreiber over the weekend - Friday set aside for school students, and Saturday open to the public. Those from out of town taking part included Bill Heinrich, Service Representative, Bombardier; Corp. R. Esca, Accident Prevention Co-ordinator, O .P.P. and Arthur Gilbert, Traffic Safety Consultant, Pro- vincial Government, all of Thunder Bay. Ben Lapenskie and Harold Kodila, Lands and For- ests, Terrace Bay, Don Beno, Insurance Agent, and Mrs. Dorothy Rummery, St. John Ambulance of 'Schreiber. The clinic® was sponsored by the Police, in co- (continued on page 8)