PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS DECEMBER 2, 1971 To Whom It May Concern - cont'd from page 3 .... It is Government Legislation that has implement- ed the change in the coverage the change has to be met by those providing insurance coverage in the province. - Signed - D.G. Beno. Hospital Board - continued from page 2 Ist. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for December 16th, 1971. . Any groups or organizations interested in the development of our Public Hospital and would like more information, feel free to contact D.G . Beno, Arrangements would be made to have a board rep- resentative attend one of your meetings. the study of possible alternatives regarding the up- grading of our present hospital facility. The Public Relations Committee will begin plans to encourage people of the area to become members of the Hos- pital Corporation. . These members are then eligible BRIDAL SHOWER - DECEMBER 2ND A Shower in honour of Bride-Elect Denise Rochon will be held December 2nd, at 8 p.m. in St. Martin's Church Hall. Everyone welcome. to vote at the Annual Meeting and will elect the ' t Board of Governors. This committee will also responsible for contacting different community -oups fo provide information and promote interest in the upcoming Annual Meeting and Elections. NOTICE OF MEETING The Royal Canadian Legion, Terrace Bay will hold a General Meeting on Sunday, December 5th at 7:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall. Mr. Donald Beno, Vice Chairman, has been named Chairman of this committee. Mr. Victor Mazzone, Administrator, will attend an Educational Seminar for Canadian Health Ad- ministrators in Ottawa on Nov. 29th, 30th and Dec. CHRISTMAS PARTY - DECEMBER 6th The Evening Group of the Ladies Auxiliary will hold their Christmas party Dec. 6th at 8:15 p.m in the Church Hall. Bring a gift worth .50¢. er ------ (Agency 234) - Schreiber, CAN BE OBTAINED START Monday & Friday - Tues., Wed., & Thurs. - Saturday - Closed Sat. afternoons, Agent. ONTARIO DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE 1972 CAR, STATION WAGON, MOTORCYCLE AND JRAILER PLATES OFFICE HOURS PLEASE! comply with office hours. - Samuel P, Newton, Ontario. - ING DECEMBER 1, 1971 11a.m. to S5p.m. 9a.m. to 5p.m. 9a.m. to 12 Noon Sundays and holidays.