PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS DECEMBER 2, 1971 SCHREIBER COUNCIL QUOTES Mrs. Dorothy Rummery was appointed to repre- sent Schreiber on the McCausland Hospital board, Terrace Bay, by the Schreiber municipal council at their regular November meeting. A proposal was reviewed from Ken Dooley Bull- dozing regarding garbage collection for Schreiber- Terrace Bay. Schreiber council is interested pro- viding Terrace Bay agrees to co-operate. Reeve Harness stated the town solicitor has been instructed to send a letter to Hacquoil Construction Co. regarding property on Langworthy Street. He also reported the No Parking signs along the hi ghway are being obeyed. In regard to the meeting with the Recreation committee it was agreed no policy can be adopted nor any action implemented until after the inaugur- al meeting. The drainage problem on Quebec St. has been corrected and the one existing at Newman St. is being studied. Bell Canada was granted permission to bury a cable on Winnipeg St. with the understanding the township will not be responsible for any damage to cable regardless if such damage is caused by township force or not. Permission was granted fo the Knights of Colum- bus, St. Edward's Council #3554, and, Beardmore Recreation Committee, to hold lotteries under licenses 109516 and 23053, respectively. Notice of a hearing of the Township of Terrace Bay appeal from 1970 equalization report for District of Thunder Bay Home for the Aged was received from the Ontario Municipal Board. A schedule showing tax arrears of municipalities in the District of Thunder Bay as of December 31, 1971 was received from the Department of Mun- icipal Affairs. The town solicitor was asked to inquire regarding registration of 1968 tax sales deeds. Water Works accounts of $413.25 and general accounts amounting to $1564.60 were passed for payment. Construction data sheets for 1972 activity, from the Department of Transportation and Communica- tions, were turned over to the road committee. Bell Canada notified council that approval to raise rates has been applied for. Approval to proceed with the highway lighting has been received. Councillor R.B. Spadoni suggested that the resolu- tion regarding rental of township equipment should be revised, and the present sewer system in the , centre of the town be utilized as a storm sewer - these were filed for further consideration. Councillor Harold Fischer felt that the Cooks Lake dam, which provides the town water supply should be inspected before the end of the year. Edward Borutski, town foreman, reported on the Water and Waste conference he had attended in Thunder Bay, and, meeting with O.M.R.C. personnel . MINOR HOCKEY SKATE-A-THON The Minor Hockey executive were gratified this year when they placed the responsibility of the skate=a=-thon in aid of funds, on the shoulders of the younger group in town and the event was most successful . Seventy-seven skaters started in the 30 hour cat- egory and twenty finished, 91 started in the 15 hour category and 60 finished. Assisting during the event were Michael Mclsaac, Donna McGrath, Carol Ferland, Denise Perras, Tina Yates, Ron McBride, Brent and Karen Kushnier- yk, Yvonne Hoogveld, Neil Foot, Greg Caccamo and Randy Bolan. St. John Ambulance was on duty and the canteen kept open throughout. Awards will be presented at a later ceremony. C.G.l.T. TEA 'The small candle=-lit tables and room decorations of Christmas symbols gave a festive air to St. Andrew's Church hall when the C.G.l.T. gave a tea to raise funds for the Thunder Bay Wayside Centre. Robin Smith provided music during the evening. Servitors were Linda and Terry Birch, Lynn and Lori Drake, Debbie and Holly Smith, Joan and Sandra Richardson, Doris Lehto, Susan Johnson, Donna Gellert and Pam Nesbitt. Judy Lengyel was cashier and the kitchen comm- ittee were Mrs. Andy Miller and Mrs. Jim Smith. GUIDES AND BROWNIES FLY-UP CEREMONY Tawny Owl Arlene Conley welcomed parents and friends who attended the Fly-up ceremony at the continued page 1 Weesooeo