NOVEMBER 11, 1971 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 St. John's Ambulance - cont'd from page 14 .... Mrs. McCooeye, offering the best wishes of the corps, also encouraged the Schreiber group to enter info competition. Girl cadets in nursing are accepted at the age of 11 and boy cadets at 12 years of age. Carl Mellerup thanked the hosts for their warm hospitality. Following the discussion a first aid demonstration of the care and transportation of a spinal accident victim was given, with Bill Boote as the casuality, and Mrs. Helen Dooley, Aurel Gauthier, Ed Borutski and Bill Malcolm as the F.A. attendants. A Priory Vote of Thanks was presented to Mrs. Dooley by Mrs. McCooeye and a Certificate of Achievement, for 1970 was presented to Mrs. Dorothy Rummery by Archie Carriere for 354 Public Duty Hours. Much attention, during the social evening, was given to a medal proudly worn by Leonard Rissanen, Area Sgt. Major - the St. John Ambulance Life Saving Medallion, in gold. Only eleven of these have been awarded, the others, posthumously. Mr. Rissanen's was awarded for rescue efforts during an elevator explosion at the Lakehead. At the end of the evening Jim Main again thank- ed Schreiber St. John for the welcome and reminded the group of the Church parade being held in Holy Angel's Roman Catholic Church on Sunday morning. Photo below = Mrs. Dorothy Rummery, receives Certificate of Achievement for 1970 from Archie Carriere. Photo next column ... Mrs. Helen Dooley, presen- ted with Priory Vote of Thanks by Mrs. Alice McCooeye . Photos by |. McCuaig. MRS. BRYSON RECEIVES CHIVALRY AWARD Mrs. Agnes Bryson, charter member of Ruby Rebekah Lodge, was paid a signal honour by the Rebekah Lodge, when at a ceremony in New Toronto Secondary school, she was presented with the Dec- oration of Chivalry. This decoration is bestowed on Sisters of the Rebekah Degree for services they have rendered their fellow men by the relief of wants and suffering of the common people. The ceremony was under the leadership of Major- 'General Elmer Teft, Department Commander of On- tario. Also taking part were Officers, Chevaliers and Ladies throughout the Department of Ontario Patriarchs, Militent, 1.0.0O.F. Following the ceremony the honoured ladies, some 27 from different points in Ontario, were congratu= lated by Betty Robinson, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, and Grand Patriarch Benson Sutter. Mrs. Bryson was accompanied to Toronto by her daughter Lillie (Mrs. George Legault) of Montreal, still a member of Ruby Rebekah Lodge. Also attend- ing the ceremony were Mrs. Agnes Sinkins and Mrs. Dorothea Plummer, both of Toronto, and both still members of Ruby Rebekah. Mrs. Bryson's great contribution to her lodge and the community is through her music. In earlier years she taught piano, played for dances (and to this day recalls the favourite waltzes of many court- ing couples = now grandparents), was the official musician for many organizations,and the pianist at countless formal public occasions. But she also utilized her skill and pleasure in cooking, and, whatever the occasion in a home, happy or sad, Mrs. Bryson's buns.or cake would be among the first token from a friend to arrive. cont'd page 16. . Terrace Bay Public Library