NOVEMBER 4, 1971 TERRACE BAY NEWS Installation = cont'd from page 4 ...... several worthy causes. The Altar was draped in memory of Past Grand Patron John W. Stewart. Mrs. Helen Wallace acted as Installing Matron, Mrs. Dorothy Rummery was Installing Marshal and Mrs. Jean Roberts was pianist. Others installed as officers for the coming year were: Mrs. Doris Almos, Mr. Arnold McKechnie as associate Matron and Patron; and Mesdames Dorothy Rummery, Alice Farrow, Sandra Quinton, Helen Jartus, Winnifred McKechnie, Norma Crockford, Flora Bryson, Norma Fummerton, Coleen Glad, Connie Bryson and Dora. Several absent officers will be installed at the next meeting. The new officers ask all members to support them by attending the next meeting which will be held in the Star Room of the Temple Hall, on Monday, November 8th at 8 p.m. Phone another member and make a date to attend this meeting. You'll be very welcome! PAGE 5 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS NOTICE Effective November Ist, 1971, the office hours for the Geraldton District office will be as foliows: 8:15 a.m. to 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The business hours for division offices at Terrace Bay, Geraldton, MacDiarmid, Longlac and Nakina remain unchanged and are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This change in office hours will make the Geraldton District Office hours compatible with others throughout the Province and other Govern- ment Offices in Geraldton. - W.K. Fullerton, District Forester. nobody but a 2-year track warranty! 72 CADET < The new compact Moto-Ski $59500 moto-ski72 the tough one SCHREIBER moto ski gives you NO DOWN PAYMENT until the snow flies! 14 Models -- all packed with performance, design and safety features that make Moto-Ski YOUR best buy! Over 300 Moto-Ski dealers in Ontario to serve you. SCOTTY SALES & SERVICE WALKER'S LAKE RECREATION NEWS TENTATIVE DATES FOR WINTER CARN- IVAL At a meeting of the Terrace Bay Recrea- tion Committee on Thursday, October 28th, various repre- sentatives of commun=~ ity groups and organ- izations were asked to meet with the Commit- tee to discuss the feasibility of a Terrace Bay Winter Carnival. All community group representatives felt that the idea was a good one, and as such came up the following TENATIVE dates for the Winter Carnival = {February 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th. If these dates con- flict with any other: programme that has continued pg. 8 .. * *on all single cylinder models