AGE 16 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 6, 1971 OWL'S HOOT - BRIDGE CLUB Several activities are now being formed on chreiber Campus, amongst them a bridge club un- er the direction of Mr. Fraser. It is hoped that ny students who are interested in learning to play ridge, or who are interested in improving their ridge game, will indicate their interest to Mr. raser. If sufficient interest is shown, an early neeting will be called and a club formed. "HE MULTI-CREDIT AWARD Thanks and appreciation are extended to Mr. B.C. Stewart, principal of Schreiber High School from 1968-71, for donating the Multi-Credit Award lo Schreiber-Terrace Bay High School . This attractive plaque will grade the showcase of the campus which the winning student attended during the year in which he earned the award. The name of the annual winner will be engraved on the award. The conditions under which the award may be won are as follows: = 1) The student must be in attendance at the Schreiber-Terrace Bay High School. 2) The award will be presented fo the student who received the most credits in four or fewer consecu= tive years of attendance at an Ontario Secondary School . 3) The student must be the recipient of a Secondary School Graduation Diploma in the school year in which the award is given. 4) A minimum of fourteen credits must be from the third, fourth, or fifth-year levels. 5) One equivalent music credit may also count towards this award. 6) In case of a tie, the award shall be given to the student with the highest average. - Photo below by P. Caccamo. Multi-Credit Award " Mr. B.C. Stewart STUDENT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES 1971-1972 After three days of compaigning, the following students were elected by secret ballot as the represen tatives on the Student Council for the 1971-1972 ~ school year: = Canuck - Dale Boutilier and Mario Figliomeni Iroquois = Rosemary Speziale and Rita Figliomeni Mohawk = Joyce Cluett and Morgan McGrath Ottawa - Michael Spadoni and Michael Souliere. At their first meeting, these representatives will select their president and other officers. SOCCER NEWS For the first time in its history, Schreiber Campus has fielded a soccer team. Under the coaching of Mr. Angelini, the team made its debut by playing an exhibition game against Terrace Bay Campus on Tuesday, September 28th. Playing under rather - foggy conditions, the team emerged from the field with a 2-2- tie. The scorers for Schreiber. were Brian Ray and Joey Speziale. NEW ARRIVAL Congratulations are extended to Mr. W. Klassen, | teacher of Georgraphy at Schreiber Campus, and Mrs. Klassen, on the birth of their son at McCaus- land Hospital on Tuesday, September 28th. Their arrival home is eagerly awaited by Kara Lee, aged 5 and Kenton, aged 2. MOOSE BINGO - OCTOBER 8TH The Loyal Order of Moose, Terrace Bay will sponsor a bingo on October 8th, 1971 at 8:00 p.m. in the Moose Hall, Terrace Bay. Hidden number - $165.00 and Jackpot - $90.00. The bus will leave Schreiber at 7:30 p.m. Sorry no minors allowed. NOTICE TO BICYCLE RIDERS The Terrace Bay Police Department strongly advises all bicycle riders that bicycles are not permitted on Simcoe Plaza sidewalks and grass. Bicycles are designed to be ridden on the road and not sidewalks and lawns. Anyone disobeying this will be charged and their bicycle seized. - Terrace Bay Police Department. --