g TERRACE BAY NEWS > CLASSIFIED ADS - Card of Thanks and Announcements Minimum Charge = 75¢ ( 25 words amd Under) CASH TN ADVANCE ($1.00 if charged) PERSONAL - BANISH CORNS, CALLOUSES = Carnation Corn Caps, a highly effective, medicated pad, results guaranteed. England' largest selling remedy for over a century. Now] Available in Canada! Why suffer) One trial will convince you. Corn pads only 49g; Callous 59¢; at Waghorn's Pharmacy. FOR SALE = One Smith Coronas Electro II0 - Selectric IO" carriage - 2 1/2 year warranty left - $160.00 cash. Phone 825-3395 between 6 and 7 P.M. FOR SALE = A house ideal for revenue, .Three suite apartment building in Schreiber. Each have two bedrooms, large kitchen and living room and 3 piece bathroom, Call at 3I3 Newman St. FOR SALE - I956 half ton trucks will take eny offer. Call at Joe Costa's on Beyview St. FOR SALE - House for Sale- Subway St., Schreiber, Phone 82i- 2719, FOR RENT = A comfortable four room house with space heater and one piece bath, Also winter supply of fuel, Contact W. Colpit OY Bernard St., Thunder Bay 'F!, Ont, Phone 622-4676, HELP WANTED - Male or female short order cook-and waitress, Phone 824-2833. CARD OF THANKS - Mr, and Mrs. James Smart, Schreiber take this opportunity to thank all their friends who sent sympathy cards and the ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Branch I09, for the flowers received on the death of her mother, in Scot- lend, Mr, Smart would also like to thank all the friends who visited him or sent cards of gifts, and the staff of MoCauslan Hospital for their care while he was in hospital, Mr, and Mrs, J, Smart CARD OF THANKS - My wife and I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank those responsible for the retiremsnt dinner and party held at the Moose Hall in honour of Mr, MeFadyen, Mr, LeBlanc and myself, Fred and Marion Eickmeier, CARD OF THANKS - A special thank-you to Kimberly-Clark for theg' lovely luncheon given me on my retirement, also the fine recommendation, eption they gave us. I would like anyone who is travelling through Ottawa to call on us at. 664 Courteney Ave, or call us at 722-3162. Sincerely, Art LeBlanc. CARD OF THANKS ~ I would like to take this opportunity to thank all mu Tantiy and friends and all those who gave gifts your best buyl our complete' PAGE 19 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. donald BEBIRO® FIRE, AUTO, LIABILITY INSURANCE. - = NOTARY PUBLIC. In I968 there was I58 millien dellars damsge by PIRE in Canada. SCHREIBER, ONTARIO Gordon M. Dodge GENERAL INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE-FIRE-CASUALTY-UABILITY 179 HUDSON DRIVF PHONE:824-2666 MOVING? Call: Rember Van & Storage LONG DISTANCE MOVERS INQUIRIES: CALL COLLECT - THUNDER BAY -577~5771 WRITE: 1201 W, WALSH ST., BOX 9%, THUNDER BAY . men CONTACT YOUR DRESSWELL MAN TODAY! CALL-824-2250 for PICK-UP and DELIVERY. 1.133 YOURSELF from I also thank the Union for the dinner and recs, DRY CLEANING = Hours = 1 10.4 p.m. Mon, thru Sat. | MAYTAG WASHERS - 35¢ PER LOAD LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS ~- 10¢ for 10 minutes REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - JERRACE BAY - PHONE 825-9787 or donated in any way. Thanks also to those who poured tea and served, and Mrs, Rene Bedard who made the ceke, You all made my retirement tea a Very memorable occasion and your kind thou= ghts and well wishes will always be cherished. Mrs. Harriet McBride FOR SALE = 1966 Chrysler ., Fully equipped,excellent condition, R. A. CPegaumn, I0I Bayview St., Schreiber . Phone 824-2103, - 8 LB, LOAD - $3.00 SUPERIOR COIN LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING