TERRACE BAY NEWS. PAGE 3 AUGUST 18, 1971 lh vermace say news Jf) | Published every Wednesday at the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825-3747. Deadline for advertizements and news material is NOON MONDAY. : Classified Ads - Card of Thanks and Announcements - 'Minimum charge - 75¢ (25 words and under). CASH IN ADVANCE ($1.00 if charged). Subseription Rate = $3.50 per year. Second class mail. Registration mumber - 0867. Return pestege guaranteed. tree attached with ribbon of names. Dancing, with buffet dinner followed. Mr. William Kurylo Master of Ceremonies called on Rev. Peter ' McKague to say Grace. Telegrams read by Mr. Kurylo were received from Mr. and Mrs. E. Silver, (nee Joanne Brown), Edmon- ton, Alberta and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chisolm, Hinton, Alberta : : Toast given by Mr. Leslie Foden, responded by Mr. E. Brown, expressed their appreciation to all. Skit comprised of Pussy Cat = Mike Lukanchoff, PUBLISHER and EDITOR - EGON, NIELSEN Admiral of the Fleet - George Nugent, Sea Imp - George Dashkewytch, Bubbles - Bill Kurylo, and Tie-the-knot = Ken Weppler, Mrs. Mary' Lukanchoff was in charge of the cutting of the cake which was served by twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Holly and Carol. 'Dining Room Hostess, Mrs. Mike Dey (nee Donna Brown). Mrs. Stanley Hodgkiss provided music for a Sing Song and Miss Laurie Foden was in charge of records. 'Mr. Kenneth Weppler araseniod the money tree on behalf of those present. Out of town guests included = Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lukanchoff, St. Catharines, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. cont'd page COUPLE HONORED ON SILVER ANNIVERSARY A Silver Anniversary party was held on July 31st, 1971 in the Star Room of the Masonic Temple Hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown. The former Stella Bezenar, they were married in St. 'Marks Anglican Church, Kapuskasing, Ontario. Cake made by Mrs. Leslie Foden, was a two layer topped by large bells and white roses, flanked by silver candles, set on a lace covered table cloth, with guest book attended by their daughters Holly and Carol . Mrs. Kenneth Weppler was in charge of a money LOCAL 665 - INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF PULP, SULPHITE & PAPER MILL WORKERS WILL AGAIN SPONSOR LABOUR DAY CELEBRATIONS!!! | FIELD DAY - MOOSE HALL - TERRACE BAY - 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. RACES, JUMPS, & : NOVELTY EVENTS, ETC. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 4 TO 14 YEARS OF AGE. FREE TREATS TO ALL CHILDREN 4 TO 14 YEARS. TICKETS WILL BE DELIVERED IN ADVANCE. SHOULD YOU BE ERRONEOUSLY OVERLOOKED CONTACT - AL. ALLEN IN TERRACE BAY - OR - EDGAR LeBLANC IN SCHREIBER. TREATS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT THE MOOSE HALL AFTER 1:30 P.M. ONLY! | A \ \ ANNUAL tt V/ if i LABOUR DAY DANCE TERRACE BAY ARENA - DANCING FROM 9 P.M, TO 1 A.M. ROY CORAN'S ORCHESTRA REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED BY THE TERRACE BAY MINOR HOCKEY COMMITTEE DO PLAN TO ATTEND AND ENJOY THE FUN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1971