PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY 21, 1971 Council Quotes - cont'd from page 1 ....... A letter was read from the Schreiber-Terrace Bay Roman Catholic Separate School Board, requesting that an amount of $51, 190.00 be collected for elem- entary Separate School.purposes from Terrace Bay. The Schreiber portion is $9,379.00. A letter from the Office of the Prime Minister acknowledged receipt of a resolution passed by the city of St. Catharines, endorsed by the Township of Terrace Bay, regarding delay of local government reform. A letter from H. Landry, Show Chairman for the Terrace Bay Horticultural Society announced they would hole their 17th Annual Flower and Vegetable Show in the Arena on August 21st, and made a re- quest to Council for the usual trophy donated by them. This request was granted. The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 32, Nipigon, advised they would hold their annual Fall Fishing Festival this September, and asked permission of Council to sell tickets in the Terrace Bay area, proceeds of which go towards community welfare. The draw will take place September 6th. Permission was granted. A quotation was received from Ontario Hydro, to assist local Hydro in providing a distribution system to the Lakeview extension. Mr. J.A. Ferrier, Mill Manager, Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company, submitted a detailed and informative comment on sale of land to prospective private enterprise and also commented on the exist- ing zoning by-laws. The Lake Superior Board of Education advised that following a visit with the Department of Education in Toronto, it was found that adjustments in the apportionment of educational levy for the years 1969-1970 were in order, and it was hoped that these adjustments could be made in the near future, thereby allowing the 1971 requests to be made in the very near future. A resolution was passed effective June Ist, estab- lishing a rate of $25.00 per temporary power hook- up and a flat rate charge of $5.00 per disconnection and per connection. Sont'deaoy nui Donald BENNO FIRE, AUTO, LIABILITY INSURANCE. - NOTARY PUBLIC. In 1968 there was 1506 millien dellars damage by FIRE in Canada PHONE:824-2666 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO MOVING ? Call: Rember Van & Storage aves, LONG DISTANCE MOVERS CALL COLLECT - THUNDER BAY « 577-5771, OR - ZENITH 550-80 WRITE: I20I W. WALSH ST., BOX 94, THUNDER BAY Two letters of congratulations were received, one from the Greyhound Bus Lines, the other from a Southern Ontario traveller, expressing appreciation for the assistance of the local Police Department, with regard to the apprehension of an alleged thief, and for assistance; in car repairs, respectively. Councillor Bray recommended to Council to call in Consulting Engineers, to do a study on the require ments of the Municipal Public Works, and the re- commendation was accepted. Councillor Chisholm suggested that special arrangements be made to protect the area used by the 84 Girl Guides of St. Croix Valley, when they encamp at Terrace Bay Aguasabon Beach, adding a request that o Police force be augmented as to ensure their safety and privacy. The O.P.P. will also be alerted. The Municipal Mill rates including educational costs were struck for the year 1971. The General effect will result in a reducation of a 1.4 mill for Public School Residential rate payers, and 2.5 mills for Residential Separate School rate payers. The reduction is mainly due to a reductior in Secondary School costs, and the minor reduction in Municipal costs. Several letters of appreciation were received from Senior Citizens who had enjoyed a dinner in their honour in Senior Citizens Week, hosted by the Reeve and Council and graciously presided over by Reeve and Mrs. Cavanaugh. The Fire Department reported regular practice held * and that W. Pytyck had joined the Volunteer Fire- = men Force. The new Fire Hall had been officially opened on July Ist. The Building Inspector reported one new house -, one repair job and one addition, totalling in all $23,000. Reeve Cavanaugh will send letters of thanks to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 223, Terrace Bay and the Recreation Committee, for their wonder- ful co-operation in making the July 1st celebrations so successful this year. If is hoped that this co- operation will continue in the future. continued page 5........