JULY 21, 197] TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 11 'FAMILY SWIM' STARTS TONIGHT, JULY 21ST An attempt will be made to hold Family Swim sessions once weekly, starting tonight, Wednesday, July 21st, from 7:00 to 9;00 p.m. In the event of inclement weather conditions, Family Swim will be automatically changed to Thursday evening. During the past two weeks, the Recreation Office has been accepting names of families interested in this programme. A total of 10 families registered. A reminder to those families making use of this programme , that children must be accompanied by their parents to take advantage of this programme. COMING EVENTS . July 21st-22nd-23rd - Arts Festival, Terrace Bay Recreation Centre. Saturday, July 24th - Red Cross Examiners Clinic - Monday, July 26th - Presentation of " Summer= Sound '71" - Terrace Bay Arena, 1 p.m. July 26-27 - Art Trek, Terrace Bay Curling lounge. Friday, July 30th - July set of swimming examin=-- ations. ~- Thursday, August 12th = Awards Night, Terrace Bay High School Auditorium, 7:00 p.m. Saturday, August 14th = North Shore Swim Meet, Terrace Bay Swim Pool. September 18th - White Elephant and Rummage Sale, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 223 Legion Hall. rs SHOWER HONOURS BRIDE-ELECT Miss Molly Harris was the guest of honour at a Bridal Shower held in the Community Church hall on Thursday, July 15th. Molly received at the door with her mother, Mrs. R. Harris, and Bob's mother, Mrs. F. McMillan. The hall was gaily decorated with pink and white streamers and a huge pink umbrella. Molly the recipient of many beautiful gifts was seated in a decorated chair, and assisted in opening her gifts by Meredith Coe and Wendy McMillan. Mrs. Em Lohr fashioned a lovely bonnet and matching tote bag with the ribbons and bows from -- the gifts. Gail Simmer, Judy Falzetta and Cathy Graham assisted in passing the gifts around. A lace covered table was centered with a heart shaped centerpiece by tall white tapers in crystal holders. cont'd next column........ Ri 1971 INTERNATIONAL LAKE SUPERIOR HIKE GIRL GUIDES / GIRL SCOUTS The Public is invited to attend the following Rendezvous activities at Kiwanis Beach on Friday, July 23rd: - 2 - 4 P.M. - OPEN HOUSE: - Come and meet the 77 hikers and their 7 leaders. The girls represent 25 American States and four Canadian Provinces. 7 - 9 P.M. - SPECIAL CAMPFIRE PROGRAMS - Speaker - Dr. John R. Hood - Interlochen Arts Academy = Interlochen, Michigan. ] (in case of rain, activities will be held in arena). Mrs. S. Boyd, Sr. Grandmother of the bride, - and Mrs. Len Williams presided at the silver tea services. Lunch was served by Misses Gail Simmer, Judy Falzetta, Cathy Graham, Carol Wilson and Sharon Scott. Co-hostesses were Mesdames D. Rafalant, E. Lohr, L. Williams and M. Lundberg. J gagement of their daughter Karen Jean to Mr. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. and Mrs. J.M. Cornell of Osoyoos, B.C. (formerly of Schreiber) wish to announce the en- Brian Amos of Oliver, B.C. The wedding will take place August 28th in Osoyoos, B.C. - SCHREJBER DETACHMENT WEEKLY REPORT During the past week members of the Schreiber Detachment investigated thirteen separate occurr- ences. Included in these occurrences were two reports of broken windows, two reports of found property, one report of mischief, one report of an alleged assault, one of an alleged stolen auto and "one of crank phone calls. Two Break, Enter and Thefts were reported and are still under investigation by Constable S.R. Jones. Spadoni's Body Shop was entered forcibly and approximately $18.00 in cash was stolen. continued page 12 .....