JUNE 30, 1971 TERRACE BAY NEWS : PAGE 3---- CONTACT YOUR | ul TERR ACE BAY NEWS " Sl FREE DRESSWELL MAN TODAY! . CALL-824-2250 . rte overs Veen rane worn roimima ramr. ||| ERTL {AM for PICK-UP and DELIVERY. Post Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. : . Phone 825-3747. Deadline for advertisements and from news material is NOON MONDAY, Classified Ads - Card of Thanks and Announcements = Minimum AT - 75¢ (25 words and frites my : | WASHDAY .3¢ each additional word. CASH IN ADVANCE, (Additional 25¢ if billing required.) DRUDGERY Subscription Rate - $3,50 per year. : "Sadond class mail. Registration number - 0867. Return postage guaranteed, Managing Editor -- Mr. larry Rowley. FOR SALE - 28 inch boy's CuCM. ed bigyel ith 1] RI GENERAL INSURANC. accessories - rigid a ta, ar big ong BR UCE SIMON £ seen at 222 Kenogami Rd, NOTARY PUBLIC REPRESENTING - Wawanesa Mutual ~ Royal Group and Canadian Surety HOUSE FOR SALE - Furnished, Three Thousand. Phone 824-2352, WANTED - Home for 3 female pups - 2% months old. Phone 824- Bus. Phone 824-2562 Cottage 824-2820 2836... { t HOUSE FOR SALE - Phone 824-2709 - Subway Street, Schreiber. HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATOR The McCausland Hospital, Terrace Bay, Ontario 1| recently changed status from a private to a public FOR SALE - 9 x 12 Tent, Phone 825-3566. hospital . The Administrator will report directly to the Board of Governors and will be responsible for CARD OF THANKS - The Grade 8 Graduation Class of Holy Angels School would like to express their sincere tharks to their all facets of the operation of the 23-bed hospital . parents, teachers and friends who helped make their Graduation | This is a new position and is an excellent opportun- § Bion: to raveubar, ity to gain experience and participate in a modern- CARD OF THANKS ~ T would like to thank Doctors McCausland, ization and development program. Aedy, nurses end staff of McCausland Hospital, my family, . . friends and organizations for their visits, cards and flowers Terrace Bay is a modern Community located on the during my recent illness. North Shore of Lake Superior, 140 miles East of Vargarst Neem, Thunder Bay on the main line of the C.P.R. and CARD OF THANKS - HARPER - To all those who called, sent cards || Highways 17. or made donations of any kind or for any kindness shown to Attractive salary, stimulating work and a full rang us,also Maureen and the children over the sudden loss of our Ys 9 9 Brother Gary. We deeply appreciated it. of benefits are available. : Lorraine, Doreen and Barry. Resume, including present salary should be sent in onfidencs to: Board of Governors, The McCausland | Hospital, Terrace Bay, Ontario, Attention A.N. BUY-SELL-RENT-HIRE... Chisholm. é ® FOR SALE - Wind soreens, provides wind protection and privacy for backyard and beach. Inquiries invited, Phone 824-2881, 824-2417, 824-2218, ., DRY CLEANING - Hours - 1 to 4 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. - 8 LB. LOAD - $3.00 - - MAYTAG WASHERS - 35¢ PER LOAD LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS - 10¢ for 10 minutes "SUPERIOR COIN LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825-9787