TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 JUNE 23, 1971 THE OWL'S HOOT COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES June 18, 1971, marked the termination of an era. Schreiben High School, which opened es a Continuation School in 1924, held its final Commencement Exercises last Friday. Rev, Dye gave the invocation, Reeve Harness brought Greetings from the Town of Schreiber and Mr, H, Coe from the Lake Superior School Board. Mr, Stewart, who has been Principal for the past three years, and plans to study at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Toronto next year, expressed appreciation to the residents of the area, School boards, students, parents, faculty, and all others who have supported him during the past three years at Schreiber. He congratulated the graduate and wished them success in their future undertekings. ! Mr, Stewart presented Academic Bars to Clover Dukes who received them on behalf of the following students achieving an overall average of 75% in their final report: Mary Bourke, Brenda Cebrario, Cathy Cocks, Kevin Scott (first year); Mary Costa, Alan Turner, Maria Veneziano (Second Year); Clover Dukes, Kathy Guina, Sharon Scott (Third Year); Linda Fontaine, Rosemary Speziale, Marte Krystia (Fourth Year); and Ken Scott and Sharon Smith (Fifth Year). Ken Scott (First Year), Maria Veneziano (Second Year), Clover Dukes (Third Year), Linde Fontaine (Fourth Year) and Sharon Smith (Fifth Year) received proficiencey awards from the Student Council and proficiency trophies from The Lake Superior Board, These students achieved the highest aver- age in their respective years, Janice Cluett and Mr. Speziale made the respective presentations, The Senior French Trophy, presented to the Fifth Year student with the highest average in French, was awarded to Marcie Kettle, ! On behalf of the Association of Professional Engineers of the Province of Ontario, Mr. Leybourne presented Ken Scott with a Slide Rule. Mr. A. Speziale, a Lake Superior Board Trustee, gave recognition to the students indicated below who have been striving for a Secondary School Graduation Diploma during the current school year: - Valarie Boyd, Janice Cluett, Joyce Cluett, William Collinson, Antheny Commisso, Devid Cruickshank, David Drake, Michael Dye, Susan Dzioba, Frank Figliomeni, Joseph Figliomeni, Linda Fonteine, Peggy Fournien Monica Frommenn, Carolyn Gled, Joseph Godin, Beverley Ham- ilton, Karen Hiebert, William Hiller, Herbert Holmes, Katie Kastelik, Marta Krystis, Michael McGuire, Daniel McGrath, Michael Miller, Joyce Mushquash, Candice Neely, Roberta Parent, Joyce Richardson, Aileen Ross, Lola Scott, Robin Smith, Miehael Spadoni, Rosemary Speziale, Catherine Stokes, Wayne Tremblay, Peter Walsh, Trudy Wiznuk and Jacqueline Zborowski, : Mr. E.J. Morgan, Director of Education for The Lake Superior Board of Education, gave recognition to the stu- dents. indicated below who have been striving for a Secon- dary School Honour Graduation Diplome during the current school year: - Linda Ballentine, Janice Beddard, Linda Bennitz, Albert Cadieux, Arthur Dorland, Terry Gander, Mary Jane Hopper, Marcia Kettle, Marvin Koski, Brende Krystie, Stanley Megraw, Donald McMillan, Rosemary McParland, Donald Melnyk, Jane Paulsen, Jane Persson, Linde Pitkanen, Brooke Rapke, Judy Richardson, Kenneth Scott, Judy Shynkaryk, Sharon Smith and Billie Weaver. Appreciation is extended to the following organizations who donated scholarships to deserving students: The Canadian Legion Branch I09 Schreiber. Scholarship to the Top Fourth Year student was presented to Linda Fontaine by Mr, G. Nicol. The Catholic Women's League Bursary Scholarship for a Fifth Year student was presented to Ken Seott by Mrs. R, McGrath, The Knights of Columbus St. Edwards Council No. 3334 Bursary Scholarship for a Fifth Year Student was presented to Marcia Kettle by Mr. B, lapenskie; The ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Branch 109 Schreiber Bursary Scholarship %o a Fifth Year student was presented to Sharon Smith by Mrs. Ko Davis; The Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodges Bursary Scholar- ship for the Top Fourth year Commercial student was presented to Linda Fontaine by Mrs. B. MacAdam; The Lake Superior Board Bursary Scholarship for a Fifth student was presented to Sharon Smith by Mr, H. Coe; The Schreiber Kinsmen Club Scholarship for a Fifth Year student was presented to Ken. Scott by Mr, M, Cosgrove; The Women of the Moose, Branch 1426, Bursary for e Fifth Year student was presented to Stanley Megraw by Mrs. A, Yates, Sharon Smith, the top fifth year student, gave the valediotory on behalf of the graduates, In her address, Sharon compared the school to a home where the teachers assumed the roll of parents, with the same interest and consern for their children. The need to-day of furthering one's education was illustra=- ted by several examples. The students of Schreiber High School have the opportunity to receive an education and should endeavour to make the best of it. She thanked the parents of all graduates who were proud to see their children reach another plateau in their lives, The graduates will always have the memories of Schreiber High School, and "if it were possible to sell them, we would refuse, for they are the only link most of us will have with the past." The Music Prelude for the occasion was played by Brenda Cebrario., Ushers and usherettes were Roy Huard, Lucy Racioppi, Maria Veneziano and Shane Walsh. Following the exercises, the Home and School Association graciously provided a delicious lunch for guests, perents, and students, Appreciation is extended te them for their support at this time, and during the year. The. Student Council sponsored the Commencement Dance from 9 pem. until I a.m. with music by the Black Lightning. Thanks are extended to all those who helped meke the even- ing a memorable occasion. W.D,A. McCUAIG, GUEST SPEAKER At the final commencement of Schreiber High School, Mr. WeD.A, McCuaig, Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum Branch, Ontario Department of Education, was the guest speaker, Mr, MoCuaig, born in Fort William, is a graduate of Schreiber Public School and Schreiber High School. After attending North Bay Normal School , he taught in Red lLeke Public School and advanced to become Principel. After obtain ing a B.A. degree from Queen's University, he taught at the University of Toronto Schools, and the Ontario College of Educetion. He obtained a B.Ed, and an M.Ed. from the Univer- sity of Toronte. He has also lectured primary arithmetic and social studies et Pre-Teachers' College Summer Schools; studied a year in Londen, England, on a Cenada Council Fellowship; been an Inspector of Public Schools in Cochran and Owen Sound; studied education in Japan; and visited the eastern seaboard of the United States to study educational television. Mr, McCuaig's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lester McCusig, reside in Schreiber .