PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 19, 1971 TROPHIES PRESENTED AT CURLING PARTY Alex Krystia was M.C. at the cabaret party wind- up for the men's curling league, held in the town hall. He reviewed the year briefly, saying it had been one of the club's most successful ones and paid tribute to the Kinsmen whose generous donation of $1600. had not only lightened the financial burden but gave heart to the club members and certainly was responsible-for the enthusiasm in the various bonspiels. Repairs are over-due on the exterior of the rink and estimates are now being gathered by the building committee. ) He thanked the directors and various committees for their support and said all signs point to a great in- crease in membership next season. Mr. Krystia then presented the Riley Trophy to the George Riley junior rink = Mike Cosgrove, D'Arcy Furlonger and Lawrence Madge with Mrs. Riley ac- cepting in her husband's absence. Gino Caccamo, before presenting the Caccamo trophy, paid tribute to various individuals - to Edna Cocks, who during her year as president of the united men and women's clubs, had led the club to an out- standingly successful year; to Burton Phillips, bar steward, whose personality and quips made his office a most profitable one for the club; to Alvin Slater, an older member of his wise counsel, and A .B.(Muggs) McCuaig, charter member, for his continuing support. Mr. Caccamo then presented the trophy to Harold Geltert's rink - Edna Cocks, Shirley Krystia and Bob Nesbitt. Allan Bourke and Herbie Gellert provided music for dancing. ; Photo Below by |. McCuaig = Alex Krystia, centre, presented the Riley trophy to the George Riley junior rink, Mike Cosgrove, D'Arcy Furlonger and Lawrence Madge. Mike Cosgrove and Mrs. Riley accept trophy. Photo Below - Gino Caccamo (centre) presents the Caccamo trophy to Harold Gellert's rink, with Mrs, Gellert accepting for her husband. L to R ~ Edna Cocks, Kay Gellert, Mr, Cac- 3 camo, Shirley Krystia - Bob Nesbitt missing from picture, PENNY AUCTION PLANNED BY RUBY REBEKAH 1 Mrs. Beth Macadam, noble grand, was appointed by the Ruby Rebekah Lodge at their May 12th mee- ting, to present their bursary at the High School Commencement on June 18th. Mrs. Gladys Hamilton, V.G. reporting for the C.P. and T. committee said a monster penny auctio W is being planned for September in the town hall, and. more supplies for use of the sick and disabled in the community have been ordered. iF A thank you note was received from Holy Angels School for the bench presented by the Lodge to the | playground. A Mrs. Eva Bailey of Greenstone Lodge, Thunder = | Bay, was welcomed as a guest. Wk Invitations were received from Agate Lodge to a meeting on June 4th and from Lillian Rebekah Lodge, Dorchester, Ont. to a reception being held for the in-coming president of the Rebekah Assembly. Mrs. Mavis Slater will attend the latter event. Directives regarding the Rebekah Assembly in Toronto were received. : Ruby Rebekah will observe Memorial Day in June, the date to be set at a later meeting. A donation was sent to the Canadian Bible Society Mrs. Harriet McBride will convene the lunch for the next meeting, May 26th, when the degree will be conferred on two candidates. F Following the meeting ,degree practice was held under the direction of Mrs. Florence Fischer. i Photo on Page 19 - Schreiber Ruby Rebekah entertained Miss fi Audrey Miller, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontarios Photo by I, McCuaig,