PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 14,1971 Arena Schedule - cont'd from page 11 4:00 - 6:00 Figure Skating 6:00 - 8:00 Peewees 8:00 - 9:00 Midgets 9.00 - 10:30 Commercial Hockey Tuesday, January 19th 1:30 - 3:30 Matinee Skating 4:00 - 5:00 Ringette 5:00 - 6:00 Atoms 6:00 - 7:00 Peewee Allstars 7:00 - 8:00 Bantams 8:00 - 9:30 Junior Hockey Wednesday, January 20th - 1:00 - 3:00 Matinee Skt 1:00 - 3:00 Matinee Skating 4:00 - 6:00 Figure Skating 6:00 - 9:30 Figure Skating 9:30 - 10:30 Junior Hockey Practise. BOWLING ASSOCIATION ROLL-OFFS Terrace Bay Bowling Association Turkey Roll-Offs, held the last bowling night of each league before the Christmas break. 'The results were as follows: = Turkey Winners = Helen Almos - Ladies Afternoon; . Peggy Regis - Ladies Evening; Tom Whent - Men s and Men's Mixed Combined; Adie Daley - Ladies Mixed. Consolation Prizes = Mary Milks - Ladies Afternoon; Gladdy Wallwin - Ladies Evening; Bob Fournier = Men's and Men's Mixed Combined; Ann Didura - Ladies Mixed. Hidden score winners were Elton Fummerton and Chris Dunham. Hidden score prizes, donated by" Stew Reid were hand made pieces of jewelery. L.A. PRESENT 1971 SLATE OF OFFICERS The evening group of the Ladies Auxiliary, Community Church held their first meeting of the new year on Monday night, with nine members turn- ing out on a cold blustery night. Mrs. Marilyn Chisholm opened the meeting with a few words of welcome, 'and specially welcomed Mrs. Judy Mercer, a new member . Mrs. Marge Lundberg read the Scripture and a short poem in the form of a prayer. Secretary, Mrs. Pam Jones read the minutes and correspondence which included a lovely note of thanks from Mrs. Harcourt Johnson, for the poinsetta plant she had received at Christmas time. Mrs. Alice Farrow gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Chisholm turned the meeting over to Marge Lundberg, nominations convener who presented the slate of officers for 1971. They are as follows: » President = Mrs. Barbara Wise; Vice-President - Mrs. Judy Mercer; Secretary = Mrs. Pam Jones; Treasurer = Mrs. Alice Farrow; Program = Mrs. Gertrude Soughton and Mrs. Marge Lundberg; Property = Mrs. Leona Mercure; Card Convener - Mrs. Clara Gould; Manse Committee = Mrs. Marilyn Chisholm and Mrs. Alice Farrow; Altar Committee - Mrs. Cora Ropchan and Mrs. Dorothy Rafalant. Mrs. Clara Gould also offered her services as pianist for the year. Mrs. Chisholm thanked the past executive and all the members for the co-operation and assistance she had received during her term in office. She then turned the meeting over to the president-elect - Barb Wise. Mrs. Wise announced that Women's World Day of Prayer would take place on March 5th and an invi= tation would be sent to the ladies of St. Martin's to participate. Catering for the annual Boy Scout Father and Son Banquet was discussed and a price submitted to the Group committee. The Property Convener, Mrs. Mercure, was instruc- ted to order four new tables, two extensions and twenty chairs. Mrs. Lil Harris announced the Afternoon Group were sponsoring a Friendship Luncheon on January 18th at 1 p.m., to which older citizens, retired people and others would be quests of the Auxiliary. All ladies of the Church are invited to attend. Mrs. Gould, Card Convener, requests that any- one who knows of sickness, bereavement or a new arrival, call her at her home, so that she may send out a card. Mrs. Ropchan or Mrs. Rafalant may be contacted in the event that anyone wishes to place flowers on the Altar for a special occasion. For the February meeting program, Mrs. Peggy Helmink will present a film on Mental Health = "Our Responsibility". Mrs. Mercer and Mrs. Harris offered to bring Mrs. B. Wise and Mrs. M. Lundberg served lunch at the close of the meeting. Barrie and Marily, Donna Lee, Murray and Michelle Marquis spent Christmas with parents Nacy and Alex Marquis. :