PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 8, 1970 Gusul Trophy - cont'd from page 2 but never a bride . " However, there's always a next time and that will be October 17th in Schreiber. Winners in the B event were Aldea Churney and Marge Duriez. Runners up were Joyce Mercier and Pam Jones. To the delight of the fans, with a Rah, Rah, Rah, four beautiful cheer leaders encouraged the players. Lunch was served by Dot Ballentine and Dot Coupal. Music for a sing song and dancing for the afternoon was supplied by George Churney and for the evening, Ball Room Dance, music was supplied by a new duo who are known as "The Charmers" were Dot Ballentine and Dave Gunter. A Halloween Dance and Box Social will be held at the Club Room on October 30th. LETTER TO THE EDITOR' " | almost struck a child on a bicycle today as | was driving up Lakeview Drive. Thank God for power brakes. Will they be as effective next time | need them! Please, Parents, warn your children about staying on the side of the road, facing the traffic. Tell them not to spread out on either side and forget that cars are coming. Tell them not to try to ride their bikes up the hill, they don't have the proper control . They are so little and so care- free especially the kindergarten, grades 1 and 2 children. cont'd next column [tS CLEANERS Tailors and Launderers Ph.-3335, Terrace Bay You'll look neat as a pin if you send all your cleaning to us regularly. NEW CANADIAN BLITZ DIET LOSE 5 POUNDS OVERNIGHT! Learn the secret of incredible, No-Effort, No-Drug, ONE-DAY reducing formula! Have your wholesome, - yummy "Blitz"! (4 mystery meals) - Go to bed! Wake up! - and you have lost 5 pounds. Unbeliev- able? Sure! But it works. Every time. OR YOUR MONEY BACK! SPECIAL OFFER (limited period only) $3.00. ot ne ily mms e-- | r------ ---- o------ --_-- --_-- nina] Pro Yes I want to lose five pounds overnight, by mall CANADIAN BLITZ DIET. money order, or cheque (Sorry CANADIAN BLITZ DIRT 203-I5I04 STONY PLAIN ROAD EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA Please rush I enclose $3.00 cash, no C.0.D.'s) ADDRESS CITY | | | _NavE | | TT TTI ie come mtn me ev i a i i ns God help us, | hope I'm not the unfortunate driver to hit one of them. We pride ourselves on our beautiful town perhaps it's time we spent money on sidewalks . Signed - Betty Cruickshank". Editor's Note This incident points out the comments made in last week's Council Quotes where a report on the study made by the Department of Highways was made. We repeat part of this report = "Pedestrians, notably children, show a complete lack of responsible traffic behavior, by utterly ig- noring the most basic safety rules for crossing this or any other highway. This complete disregard for traffic represents a hazard and a challenge to even the most careful drive." "They recommended that, under existing regula- tions, school crossings would be signed and marked on Provincial Highways by the Department, pro- vided that the municipality or school board gives an assurance in writing that either a Policeman, Adult Guard of School Safety Patrol supervises the crossing during peak hours of pedestrian traffic. They also suggested a program of educating and training children in traffic safety be instituted as a combined school and community project with ass- istance and guidance available from the Ontario Pro- vincial Police and the Safety Co-Ordinator, Mr. R. Lewis of the Department of Transport, Thunder Bay Mr. Peter Walchuk of St. Catherines is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roger Beaulieau and David : STOKE CLUB Born to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cornthwaite of North Bay, a boy on October 3rd, 1970.