PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 8, 17/u SURPRISE PARTY HONOURS COUPLE Lil and Bob Harris were guests of honour at a surprise party for their 25th wedding anniversary, held on September 25th. Members of Mrs. Harris' knitting club arranged the evening and put on a skit. Guests at the party included Mr, and Mrs. Fred McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. B. ~ Wallwin, Mr. and Mrs. John Mikus, Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Knauff, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hopper and Lil's mother and dad Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boyd Sr. The couple was presented with a crystal bowl as a momento of the occasion. Molly Harris assisted in serving lunch. Lorne Turner, his wife Judy and daughter Cheryl, of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, were recent visitors at Lorne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner. "Mrs. T. Essex and daughter Jennifer Lynne have returned to Ottawa after a visit with Holly's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Berndtsson. Added to the list of students who have left Terrace Bay to further their education are = Joyce Belliveau and Claude Rochon -- Confedera=- tion College; Claire Belliveau - Faculty of Educa- tion, Thunder Bay; Lynn Simmer, Michael Kujbida, Lorraine Belliveau, Liz Dobush, Jane West all at Lakehead University . BAZAAR SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 20TH The Evening Group of the Ladies Auxiliary met on Monday evening with Mrs. M. Lundberg pre- siding . The first item on the agenda was a talk by Verle Thompson, chairman of the Pastoral Relations Committee . For the Worship period, Mrs. Lundberg read the Buanhist's Version of the 23rd Psalm. Mrs. Pam Jones gave the secretary's report, read the correspondence . In the absence of the Treasurer, Mrs. A. Farrow, Mrs. Lundberg gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. G. Soughton gave the Sick and Visiting Report. : Mrs. M. Chisholm stated that the Bazaar Comm~- ittee would soon hold a meeting to finalize plans for the Bazaar to be held on November 20th from 2 to 4 p.m. Those in charge of the various departments would appreciate items finished and turned in as soon as' possible. Mrs. Farrow is in charge of the Tea tables, Cookie tree = Mrs. F. Anderson; Nearly New - Mrs. H. Duriez; Doll Clothes = Mrs. 1. Olsen; Children's Novelties = Mrs. A. Chisholm; Fish Pond = Mr. € . Wise; Bake Table = Mrs. P. Jones and Mrs. R. Deutscher. Mrs. Duriez is still looking for items for her nearly new table and Mrs. Chisholm needs small articles, children's books and records, that will appeal to children and that may be sold for 5 or 10 cents. Mrs. Soughton read a humorous story = Mrs. Broadhurst thanked the ladies who provided lunch and help for the wives of the Knights of Columbus who held their Regional Conference in Terrace Bay. Mrs. Lundberg expressed thanks to Mrs. J. Ropchan, who has done an excellent job onthe Altar .Committee, assisted by Mrs. V. Thompson. This has been a very busy summer with funerals and weddings at the Church. Mrs. Ropchan appealed for an assistant to help her in her duties, fo replace Mrs. V. Thompson. Mrs. H. Brooks, guest speaker for the evening, presented a very interesting account of the Leader- ship Conference she attended recently, in Gimli, Man. The evening closed with the Benediction and Mrs. B. Morris and Mrs. R. Cornfield served a delicious lunch. : Mrs. Andrea Hill and Master James Hill, of 223 Alberta St. have financially "adopted" Ho Wai Man, a young Chinese boy who lives in the dense congestion of refugee Hong Kong. The adoption of this child was done through Foster Parents Plan, 153 St. Clair Ave., Toronto.