PAGE 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS T SEPTEMBER 17, 1970 Goto the CHURCH of yourehoice TERRACE BAY ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. A. Gvora Phone 323T SUNDAY MASS - 6.45, 8.15 and 10,00 A.M. WEEKDAY MASS - 6.30 P.M. CONFESSION ~ 7 - 8 P.M. ~ SATURDAY COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev, E.C. Prinselsar SUNDAY SERVICE ~ II.I5 A.M. Rev, E.C. Prinselear - interim supply ROSSPORT ST. BERCHMAN'!S CHURCH MASS - Every Mondey at 7.00 P.M. SCHREIBER ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Reve. A.L. Chabot SUNDAY SERVICE - Ist and 3rd Sunday each month at 7 peme and Communion. EVENING PRAYER ~ 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday each month at 7 p.m. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Reve. E.C. Prinselaar MORMING WORSHIP - 10,00 A.M. (until further notice) COMMUNION - First Sunday each month. HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev, J.M. Cano DAILY MASS - Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 5.I5 P.M. Tuesday and Thursday 8.00 A.M. Saturday 9.00 A.M. CONFESSION - Saturday 7.I5 - 8 P.M. and before all daily mass. SUNDAY MASS - 8.00, 9.30 and II.00 A.M. (RACE BAPTIST CHURCH -~ Rev. R.L. Dye SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10.00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ~ II,00 A.M. EVENING PRAYER - 7.00 P.M. MID WERK SERVICE ~ 7.00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY # %4/lTown ToPICST eb. Council Quotes = cont'd from page 1 Council received a letter from the Department of Public Works, stating they were dealing with the contractor responsible for permanent recapping of Fort Garry Road. The Board of the Thunder Bay Health Unit sent a copy of the minutes of the special meeting. A letter containing the equalization factor was received from the Department of Municipal Affairs. A copy of a letter was received from the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs to the O.M.B. indicating that the amendment for zoning by-law was in accor- dance with their instructions and recommendations. The Building Inspectors reported the amount of $5,850. in new building. The Fire Department held regular practice, and noted one small fire. Two firemen attended Fire College -at Gravenhurst. Accounts passed for payment were as follows: = Township - $126,695.82; Hydro - $10,707.15; Library = $473.61; Recreation Committee - $11,882. 86. continued next column Mr. Monty Paget, owner of the Norwood Motel, questioned what information there was about a break in in his Motel last February. This is still under | investigation. The possibility of installing a snow fence near the Motel property, to keep children from trespassing on the Motel property was discussed. Under new business, Councillor brought up the subject of installing name plates on the graves in the Cemetery, and. also suggested the need to expand the area for the Protestant cemetery. Councillor Bray informed Council that there would be a special luncheon the Chamber of Commerce, at the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel, on September 16, to hear a guest speaker. Councillor Desrosiers announced that the new lights had been turned on between Cartier Road and Kenogami Road, and the balance will be in opera- tion shortly. This lighting is a great improvement. He stated the new Fire Hall is well under way. Councillor Caccamo suggested that a special Constable be sworn in, before a case of need arises. The application of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rochan has been accepted as Concessionaires at the Recrea= tion Centre. The Police Report read as follows: one car acci- dent investigated on Highway 17; one blasting cap found, police informed = continued page 4 .......