Volume 7, No, 38 TOMORROW IS THE BIG NIGHT Just a reminder that tomorrow is the night of the big Hallowe'en party. 4ill those wanting a ride to the Recreation Hall should meet at 7:00 PM in front of the Bay. The schedule is a follows: After: school ~ Treasure Hunt 7:00 to 7:30 ~ Costume Judging 7:30 to 8:30 ~ Talent Show 8:30 to 9:30 - Movies 9:30 to Midnight - Teen age dance. Parents who are accompanying small children or have actors in the talent show will be allowed at the show, but only teen~- agers (12 & over) will be allowed at the dance that follows, Only those in costume or appearing in the talent show will be allowed in the Recreation Hall and to the dance that follows, 0-0-0 XMAS CARDS ~ XM..S CARDS Door to door canvassing of the Townsite for the sale of Xmas cards, ribbons, seals wrappings and Personalized greetings, nap- kins, labels, stationery etc. has been com~ pleted, However, those still desiring to order cards ete. may do so by calling at House #85, call dial. 399 or contact G., Row- landson in the mill for prompt service, Orders for all personalized items must be in not later than November 8th. Cards and wrappings will be on display for immediate sale in the Locker-room during the last week of November, All proceeds for cub and scout activities in Terrace Bay. 0-0-0 FIRE BRIGADES SALVE LIFE /ND PROFERTY - BE SURE YOU KNOW THE TELEPHONE NUMBER OF THE FIRE DEP;RTMENT, LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY Oetober 30, 1952 CURLERS' ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Attention all Curlers and prospective Curlers, The annual General Meeting will be held Tuesday November 4th at 8:00 PM in Teen Town, This is your opportunity to hear what your new Executive has lined up for the coming ycar, as well as give out with your own ideas, That controversial subject, the method of scheduling the games, i.e, by Round-Robin or Bonspiels will be one of the sub jects for diseussion so it is important to be there to get this matter thrashed out to the maj- ority's satisfaction. Let's all attend, You are the onss who decide the policies and a lack of in- terest at this time doesn't give you the right to beef later on, 0-0-0 SOFTBALL SWEATERS 411 Softball players planning on turning in their sweaters must do so by 12 TM Monday, November 3rd, After this date, it must be assumed that each player who has not returned his sweater to his team manager desires to purchase the sweater and payroll deductions will be made accordingly. The Executive, Terrace Bay Softball Club, 0-0-0 EMPLOYEES! MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY At a meeting of the Directors of the Society, the following resolution was passed: "that the assessment for members in respect to the benefit fund be waived for the month of November, 1952 and for the month of December, 1952" This means that there will be no de- duction for members of the Society for months of November and December for member- ship dues. H,C, Laundy, Secretary-Treasurer.